how you met in the beginning.

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You were assigned to be his new nanny, and the second you walked in, he adored your kind face and stunning features...he believed then and there that he found his soulmate.


He was planning to kill you, but then he saw you running from bullies...with a little kid, the bullies were trying to hurt him, and you bolted with the child in your arms, he admired your instincts and courage, and decided to let you live...with the catch of watching you.


He broke into your home, your immediate reaction was to throw his ass down your stairs, every time he tried to climb up to stab you, you kicked him back down, he ended up admiting defeat...for once. He thought your strength was hot.


Stu knew you as a childhood friend, and he used to crush on you, so when he and Billy saw you, his crush slowly came back, Billy and him sorta stalked you for a while, and Billy fell hard as well, they loved you for your humor and your way of expressing yourself, so they agreed they were both going to get you.


He rescued [kidnapped-] you when his family was killing off tourists, he kept you in his room for about a month, planning to just kill you, but as you showed yourself truly, he developed a puppy love sort of crush, admiring as you mumbled and smiled, he loved every thing he saw.


He met you at his moms butcher shop, he expected you to scream at his face, just greeted him with a smile, you and him even had a normal conversation! He would help his mom with the shop so he could see you every few days a week, he adored your conversations together, you were one of few people that made him feel...human.


You gave him money for his pictures when your friends picked him up, and laughed at his creepy and dark jokes when nobody else did, in the end where his cue to kill came up, he hesitated, you were so kind...he got attached, so instead of killing you and your friends right there, he asked you to meet him in the famous town restaurant, you agreed happily...he still probably killed your friends a little later when you werent there.


You booked a day in the motel, claiming you were waiting for your sister to come and pick you up. Norman watched you and helped you unpack, as a day turned into two, you were worried of your sister, and you didnt bring enough money to get gas and book another motel norman said you could work with him, you agreed so you could get money and find your sister, and as coworkers, you began to actually like the shy boy, and him...he was obsessed with you. If only you knew why your sister didnt show up...thanks norma.


You were in the woods when she was looking for her nephew, you offered to help, and when she didnt find him, you gave her your number and said she can call for you to help whenever she wants. Searching partners turned to great friends, and Marina felt safe with you, she adored your willingness to help her the second she needs it, and the empathy to understand her pain.


You're the sister of a sorority sister, and she loves to sneak you in and let you sleep in a spare room there, when you met him, he expected screaming or fighting, hell, he was ready to stab you, just greeted him, asking why hes here alone. You visit him daily, despite his protests of wanting to be alone, hes always silently glad to see you, he loves your kindness and understanding, he never feels like he's walking on thin ice when its you.


You worked at the store hed get Carrie Ann's contacts and pads from, he was a regular, and after a few months of random conversations while ringing his items up, you started giving him little free things, like the contacts hed buy, or sweets, he ended up 'accidentally' losing things so he could go to the store and talk to you, he admires almost everything he knows about you, and his love grows every second he talks to you.


Penny tried to walk in public, and he was being chased by grown ass men with weapons, he was cornered, ready to fight, when a person ran to his 'rescue' and fought off the men, asking if penny was okay. He immediately took a liking to you, and you noticed him following you since, he was obsessed with the little amounts of kindness you'd give him, and craved it every day.


You were prone to nightmares, and Freddy found you because of that. He was going to scare you to death, but he noticed that you werent scared of him, you were scared of..everything else, and you seemed to calm down when he came. He made a habit of finding you when you're asleep, just talking and complaining about random people Freddy deals with, he likes how you act towards him, and he never gets tired of that laugh...


He met you when you were watching the children, he was stalking the camp counselors when he saw you, you were off to the side with a little kid who was drawing, he thought it was...sweet, something hes not used to seeing. Since that day, hes been watching you, he likes your kindness towards the children, and the way your eyes seem to light up when you're happy.


He doesnt really know, he knows you didnt die, he thinks it was a dud, because you ended up at the carnival. He wasnt the one who was supposed to fuck with your head, but he thought you were intriguing, so he followed you around. Every demon, every ride, you didnt act as terrified as the rest, you actually seemed derermined to find your way out, when you found a loophole back home, you noticed a man following you around...little did you know he was the one who put that loophole for you, now you have a stalker demon whos obsessed with everything about you...good luck.

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