their reaction to seeing or meeting your ex.

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....absolute unrestrained terror. Who is this?? Are they going to take you away from him??? You need to calm him down, but there's a good chance that he is in the walls and you cannot get to him with your ex watching you. If you don't get to him, he will get to your ex when you aren't looking.


No reaction really, just....silent stares. You have no idea what he's thinking about. Little do you know, hes not really thinking about anything. He's just spacing out like he often does. You worry about him being mad when in reality he is out of it and doesn't even notice another person in the room.


Nope. He refuses to meet them.

Stu Macher~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Adorable golden retriever boyfriend will meet your ex with a smile and a handshake...if they were good to you. If they were a toxic ex, he will legitimately refuse to let you go near them. No way is he letting them near you....and if it was an abusive ex, he's making absolutely sure they can't go anywhere near you. Billy owes him a favor anyways.

Billy Loomis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh, immediate plots of a murder begin. They can be a nice person, you could've ended the relationship on good terms, but as long as they are alive Billy will never live peacefully.


...well, there's a good chance they are already dead if they are in texas. Chop eats whoever comes across his path. Don't introduce your ex to a single fucking sawyer without the knowing that you are sending them to their death.


....soups on.

I want that to be a joke but we all know that he will legitimately kidnap your ex and make them the Sawyer family's dinner. You will not be told that the meat is human and, if you don't ask, you will never know and your ex will be a part of you up until your next bathroom trip.

Thomas Hewitt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You'll find your ex, but they will not be alive. You see, Thomas found your ex a while back in your phone (which took him an eternity to learn how to use) and hunted them down. Your ex is butcher shop meat, you won't be hearing from them again.


Honestly? He doesn't give a shit. You love him and he loves you, so fuck that person! Now if your ex comes looking for you, that's a different story....he will not hesitate to bite the fuck out of your poor ex. Ripping throats out is a nubbins special when he doesn't have his knife.


You really don't expect this sadistic fuck to make your ex live a life of hell? If he meets them with the knowledge that they are your ex, you can say goodbye to them. John will hunt that poor fucker down like he's playing a game of cat and mouse.


Norman's a little insecure about it, he Won't lie, especially if you two ended on good terms or still talk. He'll never doubt you, so if you say nothings happening he'll trust you...but there's always the chance that your ex has something else in mind. Mother gets louder and louder until one day your ex floods the papers and the milk cartons. He didn't do anything, he'd never...though Norma is a different story.


(Its been way too long since I watched Mercy black, this is gonna be the hardest one to write for ;-;)

She knows all about unfinished relationships, so even if your relationship with your ex is complicated she'll try to help you through it. She doesn't want to lose you, but she doesn't want her worries to end up fucking the relationship over, so she'll do her best to help.

Billy Lenz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ever seen someone's eyes get pushed into their skull? He'll show you if you ever bring your ex anywhere near where he can get them. By the power of insanity and attachment issues he refuses to let you be near people who can take you from him.


He'd cry. He would excuse himself, go home, lock himself in his room and sob. Ryan is not an emotionally stable man and he'd lose it if he knew you even had an ex. This could go two ways from here, either you'd wake up one day to a moving truck and a fun little announcement that you two are moving across the country...or you'd wake up tied to the radiator.

The twin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If he saw them then they're probably in hell, so they're dead. He'd lose his shit laughing if they died in some bullshit way, and he'd definitely boast about having their ex in his arms just to see what they'd do. Now if they aren't dead and he just paid a little visit to you in the mortal world...your ex is gonna get dragged to hell.


He wouldn't care. Jason trusts you when you say you love him, so even if your ex wanted more than a friendship with you Jason would trust that you'd stay by his side. Now maybe just maybe your ex would wake up one day and find out that their clothes got thrown in the lake, but besides that...totally fine with your ex being around.


You think he looks like burnt bacon, just wait until you see what he'll do to your ex! It's not really a jealousy thing, it's more or less just a 'Freddy is an asshole who wants power over your life' thing.

Bo Sinclair~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vincent is getting a new wax statue, consequences be damned. Honestly knowing Bo he might drag you down to the basement and make you watch your ex get burnt alive by the wax, just so you know that there ain't no escaping the Sinclair family, especially not when Bo loves you.

Vincent Sinclair~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He would try to ignore the insecurities of knowing there was someone out there who had you before him, someone who might come back for you. In the end he can't ignore them. He's really salty about the dating thing, so your ex isn't even considered good enough to be turned into a wax statue, they go to Lester's corpse pit.

Eddie Gluskin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If they can survive the Asylum long enough to find you, Eddie would be a bit impressed on their dedicated...though not impressed enough to spare their life. Your ex would meet a chilling fate, being hung from the gymnasium and left to die. After all, his darling wouldn't want to have their old life show up on their doorstep after meeting the love of their life, now would they?

Jimmy Hall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jimmy wouldn't do a thing! Though Hugo....Hugo would do quite a few things. If your ex was idiotic enough to still stay the night at the hotel, or if you hadn't yet caught on to what happens to the guests, your ex will be beaten down to a pulp by that damned bat that Hugo loves so much.

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