slashers react to finding their s/o on the floor.

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Longer name for this scenario: slashers react to walking in their house and seeing their s/o dead on the floor, and is soon treated as a murder.

Requested by PonyoTinyFishy!



Brahms went into the woods to pick wildflowers, wanting to surprise you with them, he ended up spending two hours outside, he walked through the doors with confidence that you'll be happy...he dropped the flowers Immediately.

His Love, on the floor, with a pool of blood around them, and a knife in their throat, he shakes and drops to the floor, sobbing loudly he grips the cloth close to his heart, screaming curses at himself for letting this happen.


He went to find Loomis, and didnt realize that you were already home, if he did, he wouldnt have left that late at night.

When he gets back home, he sees you on the bottom of the stairs, a pocket knife sticking into your head, he was enraged, hitting the wall and breaking the foundation of it, screaming more than he ever has before...whoever did this is going to die.


He got into an argument with you again, and decided to scare you by saying he was breaking up with you, he went to a bar and was waiting for your phonecall, when the news came on about a death on your your house,

He rushed as fast as he could [*remembers hes like a foot tall*] to your house, the police had just left to get investigation equipment, and there stood chucky, looking at your body, mumbling that he didnt mean it, and that you need to come back, when he heard on TV that you were shot by an unknown intruder, he turned back into killer doll.


They both went to the store, looking for things for a surpise movie night, when they got home, they saw a man bolt out the window...and your bleeding figure on the floor.

They dropped everything and ran to you, billy was sobbing, and Stu was extremely pissed about not being here to stop it. They both wanted to avenge lets see how long it'll take for your killer to meet ghostface.


You and him were out of certain things, so he, for once, volunteered to get them, he was ecstatic, practically hopping at every step home, he really loves seeing you smile! But...what he comes back to definitely isnt a smile.

Your arm was broken, and what looked like bone was sticking out of your now odly shaped neck, a puddle of blood telling him that this mustve happened a while ago...maybe even as soon as he left the house. He was distraught, shakey breathes as he takes his hands and puts them on his head, trying to calm down, but as time goes on, he starts to cry hysterically.



He went to the market to surpise you, he knows you've been feeling unhappy lately, he went to get you your favorite snacks and watch the stars with him, he ended up spending almost five hours at the market, when he got home, he expected his normal greet and hug, but instead he got..blood.

You were covered in blood, a gunshot wound right at the nape of your neck, Thomas dropped everything in his arms and ran to you. already sobbing, he picks up your stiff and pale figure, holding it against him, mumbling pleas that its just a dream.

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