Message Home: Poe Dameron

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Preview: Poe thinks he's in trouble and gives you a call

Things weren't looking great for Poe at the moment. He was badly injured and running as fast as he could away from the troopers chasing him. This ship was like a maze only making it harder for him to find an exit. Finally he got out and hid in a cave, it was only then he realized the condition he was in.

Okay, I've been shot in the leg and I think I have a concussion. No biggie

Breathing came less easily as the pain began to soar throughout his body. Reaching for his Holo-pad he decided to call you.

He waited and after two rings your voicemail came on...

"Hey this is Y/n, I'll call you back as soon as I can!"


Poe took a shaky breath,

"Hey babe, um. I'm not feeling too hot and- Incase this is it, I..."

He began to miss you more and more. You were probably out saving someone's life right now. He wishes you could save his.

"I just wanted to let you know I love you."

Hanging up he took another deep and ragged breath. He was really hoping this wouldn't be the last time he saw your face


Y/n listened to the message over and over again. The log said he called almost three hours ago.

What if he dies? This is all my fault! Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god

You raced to the generals office not caring if she was in a meeting. Unfortunately she was.

"Y/n wait outside, this is important."

"So is this! Poe's in trouble! I don't know where he is, his ship is on an uncharted planet but he didn't call me from the ship!"

"We'll figure that out later! I know you're fond of Poe but right now I need to discuss-"

"Right now YOU NEED TO SAVE YOUR BEST PILOT!" You screamed. Seeing her angered expression you quickly bowed your head.

Oh shit.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but this is too important to set aside. I'm going to try and find him."

She watched as you ran out of the office and to the hangar.

You saw another skilled pilot who worked with Poe.

"Hey! Jamie, I need your help!"
Turning to you he smiled,

"Hey dude, what's the problem?"

"Poe is in trouble and I don't know how to fly to find him. His ships coordinates are on an uncharted planet near the asteroid belt!"
Jamie put his hand to cover your mouth.

"Breathe kiddo, I'll get Poe back. Send me his coordinates and I'll see what I can do."

You hugged him, this was the first hug you had since Poe left a week ago.

Watching Jamie take off made you think.

I don't think I've ever missed someone this much before.

His hair..

His smile..

The way he looks at you when he wants to grab you by the waist and-

"Y/n!" General Leia was standing behind you. Her stern eyes made you feel small even though you were a good five inches taller than her.

"General, I am so sorry for my outburst! It was unprofessional and I understand if you need to fire me for misconduct." You closed your eyes and waited for her to strip you of your medical badge.

"Fire you? Stars no! We need you fighting with us. Listen Y/n I understand how you feel. It can be confusing to love someone that much. Just try not to yell at your superiors anymore."

"Yes General."

It had been two days since Jamie sent out to find Poe. You were begging to worry if you lost him too.

You were currently stitching up that girl that no one will shut up about. You can tell why though. She's pretty, not to mention super powerful with the force. You were about to draw the last stitch when Jamie came in the room.

"Somebody's waiting outside for you."

Jumping up you began to run towards the hangar,

"What about my stitches?!"


The wind whipped at your face and you saw the crowd gathered towards the center of the room. Pushing through the pilots and soldiers you saw him. Covered in blood and dirt. He made eye contact with you and smiled,

"How's it going Doc?"

Nothing mattered here except for him being alive. Not the other people or the way he currently smelled, you ran into his arms and pressed your lips to his.
He wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you closer to him.

Finally breaking the kiss he looked at you.

"I thought we were gonna keep our relationship a secret?"

"When you were gone I thought about you day and night. I didn't know if you were coming back." Your voice began to crack,

"I don't wanna live another moment without everyone knowing that you're mine. Don't ever scare me like that again, ever."

He only chuckled before resting his head on top of yours.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Ah! First one done, I hope you liked it. Feel free to leave requests! Tbh I'm super confident in my writing so feel free to leave writing tips in the comments as well.

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