Royalty AU

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Preview: If you two were in a royal AU

Who is Royal: Him (King)
Your relationship: You are the castle gardener. He asks you to bring him flowers so he can talk to you
Do you end up together: Yes, but in secret

Who is Royal: Him (Prince)
Your relationship: You are his army general. He often invites you to fancy dinners
Do you end up together: No

Who is royal: You (Duchess)
Your relationship: She is a seamstress. She's there to make all your dresses and suits. She gets flustered whenever you have to undress
Do you end up together: Yes

Who is Royal: Both (Prince and Princess of neighboring planets)
Your relationship: Forced marriage, and you eventually see you have lots in common
Do you end up together: Yes

Who is Royal: You (Queen)
Your relationship: He is your guard. Everywhere you go he goes.
Do you end up together: No, it's against palace law

Who is royal: You (is that even a question? Princess)
Your relationship: He tries to steal your family's priceless jewels
Do you end up together: Yes! You run away with him

Who is royal: Her (Queen)
Your relationship: You are the towns best doctor who had to stitch her up after battle
Do you end up together: Yes secretly,  she is engaged to someone else

Who is royal: Both (Duke & countess)
Your relationship: Enemies to lovers who argue over strategy in the war room
Do you end up together: Yes

Who is royal: You (Princess)
Your relationship: You trained him to be a night
Do you end up together: Yes

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