Secret Admirer: Poe Dameron (fluff!)

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Preview: The reader and Poe are known rivals. When Poe begins to receive love letters...

Your POV:
You didn't love him. In fact you didn't even like him. Poe Dameron was a self-absorbed know it all who can't take anyone's advice but his own. You two were shockingly similar, if the two of you didn't hate each other you'd be unstoppable together. How could you let yourself fall for him?

I mean sure he was cute, and confident, and had the best laugh ever....but that doesn't make him a good person!

You devised a plan.

You obviously couldn't tell anyone how you felt because they would spread the word. You also weren't brave enough to tell Poe right now.
You decided you would write him an old-fashioned admirer letter! Pulling out some paper you began to write,

Dear Poe,

I am writing you to tell you something gravely serious. I have grown fond of you over our short time together. I may not always show it (due to fear of judgement from you and our peers). I find myself thinking of you in odd hours of the night. The way you smile makes me feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. I do hope I can grow the courage to tell you my identity in time.

Your Secret admirer.

The letter seemed a little wordy and sophisticated. Maybe that would throw him off. You weren't sure if he even knew what some of the words meant.  A hand drawn heart in the corner was the final touch.

The next morning you snuck out to the hangar and put the note on his plane with a piece of candy on it and ran off to the cafeteria.

Moments later Poe busts in smiling like a fool. We waved the letter around and laughed before sitting down by his crew with a thud. He talked rather loudly so you could hear him well enough,

"This is amazing! I mean I knew I was hot but wowww, this just proves my point!"

What an ass. Why do I like him again??

You watched as he pulled out another sheet of paper and began writing a letter of his own.
The letters continued back and forth between the two of you. You were afraid he already knew who you were. After about three months and 50 letters later you finally wrote him the one that would change everything,

Dear Poe,
I have put off my reveal long enough. Wait by the giant tree at the edge of the hill just before sunset. Wear something nice (I plan to as well). I hope you are not as afraid as I am.

Your secret Admirer.

You watched him read the letter and look around. The two of you made eye contact and he laughed before calling you over. He shoved the paper in your face,

"Jealous L/n, I've got an admirer!"

"Congrats, if they admire you they're probably just as stupid as you are." He waved his hand dismissively,

"Say what you want, this person is ten times as smart as you are. Look at all the things they say about me!"

"Just when I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger." He stuck his tongue out at you and walked away.
That evening he was waiting by the hill fiddling with his collar. He cleaned up nicely. He had shaved and put on some cologne. You cleared your throat, and prayed he wouldn't be disgusted at the sight of you. When he turned around he sighed,

"What? You here to ruin my date?"

"N-no, I was just gonna," He cut you off,

"Listen, Y/n I don't want you screwing this up. It's pretty important, so piss off, okay?"


Your face was red from anger, embarrassment, and the way you let yourself be so stupid. Why would he listen? Would he even believe you? You stood there shocked, you tried to wipe your blurry eyes,

"I said go Y/n, we can talk tomorrow."

"No! We can't! I wrote those letters Poe, I wrote every single one! I like you and I wanna be with you. I know I don't act like I care but I do! ...Really, I do."

The wind brushed grass against your leg. You wiped your eyes again and sat down.

"I never should've said those things. It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it." He stood there silently before sitting down next to you. The sky had gone from a deep orange to a hazy blue.

Finally he spoke up,

"You really wrote all that? For me?"

"I didn't know how else to tell you, it's weird I know." He laughed and leaned against your shoulder,

"I think it's beautiful. No ones done something like that for me. I'll make a deal with you. If you try to be nicer, so will I. Then we can see where this goes." He kissed your cheek before jumping up and taking your hand smiling. He lead you back to the hangar.

The next morning you found a letter on your door,

Dear Y/n,

Last night was a surprise. You looked hot. I'm excited to get a fresh start with you. But don't expect anymore letters. I keep having to steal people's pens.

All the best,
Your not-so-secret admirer.

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