Meeting Eachother PART ONE

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"I'm Doctor L/n, you came in for a check up?" He grinned up at you from the patient bed,

"Yeah I have a piece of metal stuck in my head. Don't really know how it happened though."
Was he serious? You turned him around and saw the shrapnel poking out,

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER?! THIS COULD CAUSE BRAIN DAMAGE! Although considering you didn't tell me you might already have some!" He just shrugged and smiled wider. You flipped him onto his stomach and put on some gloves getting ready to extract the piece. Your nurse was standing behind you writing the report,

"You know you're really cute for a girl. Like cute-cute, but ya know who's also cute? That Finn guy" You turned to the younger nurse,

"Write down that he's delusional from blood loss."

FINN: Finn was new on base and didn't really know anyone. He was trying to stay out of everyone's way.
You were also new on base. Figuring that he didn't have anyone to talk to you sat across from him during lunch and complimented his skill,

"I mean you must be really tough to leave the First Order behind for this dump." He just laughed and took some food off your plate,

"What did you leave behind?"

"A failing marriage and a job where everyone hated me."

"'re single?"

REY: The door to the tech room slammed open as a brunette sat in front of you,

"I need directions and ship to the nearest First Order base." You scrolled through your orders for today and didn't see anything about the first order,

"I'm sorry. There's nothing on here about loaning a ship. If you check with the General I'm sure she'll give you a pass. You might have to wait a few-" The girl grabbed you by the collar and pushed you against the wall, jeez she was stronger than she looked!

"Directions and a ship. Now please." She put you down gently and stared intensely as you pulled up the coordinates and a ship that wasn't in use,

"The ship is gonna be needed back in 5 days." She smiled,

"Don't worry love. I'll be back."

KYLO: Oh my stars! You were finally here. The ship was beautifully designed. You were going to be a mechanic and help out as needed.
Your uniform was a dark grey jumpsuit with shiny black material on the elbows and shoulders. You felt badass.

"Okay, first up I need to fix broken paneling and fried wires in the main hall." Walking quickly you hoped your first day would go smoothly. You used your card to open the doors to the main hall.

You tried to move forward but felt frozen in place. You looked around the room to see a figure in all black in front of the mess you were supposed to clean up. His voice came out low and gravely,

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Okay n/n just speak like a normal person,


Well...that's one way to make an impression. The pressure on your body stopped and you could move again.

Not knowing what else to do you shuffle past him and begin to fix the machinery. It was hard to work when he was just staring at you. You were almost finished when he spoke,

"You're good at what you do. I want you to be my personal mechanic."

"Yes sir!"

HUX: General Armitage Hux was meeting you personally to welcome you aboard as the new Lieutenant. You were both nervous, you were afraid you would make a fool of yourself and he was afraid his troops wouldn't behave. You hadn't seen the Generals face before, you'd only heard stories about him.

A large automatic door opened and you stepped inside the grey hallways. Do I just wait here? A voice came from down the hall,

"Ah! You must be the new Lieutenant, I'm General Armitage-" All the color drained from his face as he saw you. You imagined you probably looked the same way.

Unfortunately you had met the general before. As a blind date that ended up with you sleeping with him and leaving early the next morning.

"Oh, this is awkward. Let's try to be professional yeah?"

This is PART 1 I'll add part 2 soon for the other characters!

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