What a Shame: Armitage Hux

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Preview: Hux killed your father many years ago and when you finally catch up you want revenge

The First Order was going down like a boat made of lead. Almost everyone was dead. The smart ones escaped. Except you didn't like calling those losers smart so for now we'll say they got lucky.

Running down the halls you peered into each room to see if anyone was left. You passed room after room. The ship was a ghost town, almost.

You were about to turn back to find your friends when you heard something knock over. Seeing only the trace of someone running around a corner you sprinted after them.

They were cornered now and you grabbed them by the shoulder and pinned them to the wall so they would face you before they perished.

But you froze.

It was him. How could forget the face of a man you despised. He didn't say anything he only shook under your grasp. His red haired falling out of place.

Faltering for a moment you felt...bad? He looked genuinely terrified.


"DAD? DAD WHERE ARE YOU?!" Your small village was burning, huge plumes of purple and black smoke covered the once blue sky.

Your house was nothing but a skeleton now. A few walls and not much else. In the middle of your village you see a man holding a blaster to your fathers head.

"DAD!" The mystery man turned to you and frowned before yelling out,

"Let this be a lesson to all of you! If you don't succumb to the Order this will be your fate!"

And then he was gone.


"Do you remember me?"

You punched him in the face.

"LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID!" He stared at you for a moment before gasping. He looked like he might puke.

"What a shame, I really do hate to waste a pretty face. But what you did was pathetic and vile."

"If you kill me that makes you no better. We'll both have blood on our hands."
He cautiously pushed the blaster away from his head. He seemed calmer now.

All at once you realized how close you were to him and backed up, making sure not to let go of your grasp on him. He sighed and look towards the ground,

"I've done so many horrid things. And I know I deserve this but...I don't want this to be the end. I wanna make it up to the people who will still give me a second chance. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"


"No. I will never forgive you."
He looked like a wild animal in a cage. Your brain and heart were telling you two separate things. They were both screaming for you to make the choice,

"But, I won't kill you."

Letting go of his collar he dropped to his knees and thanked you.

"Run back to your master. If I see you again I won't be so nice." He nodded and raced off.

Why did all the people you hate have to be so hot?

I really had no idea how to end this one. At first it was gonna be more suggestive but it didn't feel right for me to have the reader fall in love with someone who murdered their family.

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