WoodShop: Kylo Ren (Highschool AU)

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Preview: Teen Kylo goes to smoke and meets you

There is a young cowboy,
Who lives on the range,
His horse and his cattle are his only companions,
He works in the saddle and sleeps in the canyon,
Waiting for summer,
his pastures to change...

The smell of pine and sweet sap filled the small classroom trailer air. Woodshop was your favorite class not only because Mr. Houston was super chill but because you were pretty good at cutting things to pieces.

It was after school and Mr. Houston said you could stay and try to finish your project while he picked up his son from soccer practice.

The classroom felt weird with no one in it. You imagined your classmates running around trying to get sawdust out of their hair or bandaging their injuries.

Feeling a little lonely you decided to open the window so you'd hear the birds along with your music.



School sucked, my dad had forgotten to pick me up again. Not like I want to go home. It would be the same as any other day. I'd do my homework before being interrupted by one of my parents and getting into an argument. I was starting to resent my dad....and everyone else.

The only kids who I knew at school were Hux and Phasma. Hux was a massive nerd and control freak, we met in band class when he hit me in the back of the head with his trumpet. He said it was an accident, but who knows.

Phasma was his polar opposite. We met in gym class when she was beating up some kid for making fun of how tall she was.

Now that the school year was almost over we had become a trio of outcasts. Always sitting on the bleachers at the end of the football field smoking and talking about how much everyone else stank to high hell.

Speaking of smoking, I need a cigarette. But football practice is going on, so I can't smoke on the field.

Looking around for a good secluded place my eyes landed on the woodshop trailer. It was behind the school and far enough away so no one would bother me.

The window was open and music was coming from inside.

Mr. Houston probably just forgot to turn off the radio.

Leaning against the wall I lit my cigarette and took a long drag while listening

So goodnight you Moonlight ladies,
Rockabye sweet baby James,
deep greens and blues are the colors I choose, won't you let me go down in my dreams?


That certainly wasn't part of the song.

A girl ran out holding her bloody hand and cursing. She looked up at me.


"Do you have a car?!?"

"No, but I can call an uber for the hospital." I nodded my head eagerly and tried not to focus on the red staining my new shoes.

"It says it'll be here in 5 minutes, can you wait that long?"

biting your lip and trying not to cry you suddenly got dizzy and leaned against him for support.

"Okay, okay umm. Here maybe my jacket will clot the blood!" He took of his jacket and began wrapping it around your hand tightly.

You needed to focus on something so you wouldn't pass out. You decided to focus on his arms. Christ they were huge. You barley even noticed he began waking you to the front of the school.

"I feel like I'm gonna puke."

"Okay well, don't puke on me." He said. The uber pulled up and you both hopped in. The boy began yelling at the man to drive to the nearest hospital.

The pain came back to your hand in another wave of what felt like constant stabbing. You cried out and leaned against him. You shushed you and held your non injured hand,

"Do you want me to distract you?"
your tongue began to bleed from all the pressure you were putting on it.
Nodding hastily he began to talk.

"My name is Ben, but I don't really like the name. I live with my mom and dad. I play the guitar and...ummm.. I'm friends with a chick named Phasma." Laughing and clutching his side you began to feel woozy,

"That's why you're so ripped! Phasmasss in my literurihrg classt." He stared at you like what you said made no sense. The car stopped and Ben got out and rushed over to your side of the car picking you up.

Burying your face in his warm chest you sighed. What would of happened if he wasn't there?

Your next thought was almost three hours later. Waking up in a hospital bed in one of those paper gowns. Your parents were beside you and a nurse was wrapping your hand with a soft bandage.

Just like shop class.

"Oh honey we were so worried! What happened?"

It smelled like rubbing alcohol. It didn't smell like what you remembered before you woke up. What did it smell like before you woke up?



"Mama where's Ben?"

"Who? Oh that boy who brought you here. Is he...you know, your boyfriend."

"What? No!" I want him to be though..

When the nurse was finished asking questions and your parents left so you could change back into your clothes. Though you found your mind wandering to him. Now that you were not light headed and freaking out you realized he was quite handsome.

Stepping into the lobby you saw your parents taking to Ben.

Oh no no no! PLEASSE Don't day anything embarrassing.

You tapped your moms shoulder and she turned around smiling,

"Honey! We were just talking with Ben. We invited him and his parents over for dinner tomorrow to say thank you! Isn't that great?"


"Yeah, I'm stoked." Ruffling your hair her and dad walked through the automatic doors.

"They seem nice?" Ben looked at you smiling,

"I love them but sometimes they try to control my life."

"I know how that is."

A silence settled between the two of you before you spoke up,

"Thanks for uh getting me here so I didn't die." Smooth Y/n

His hair bounced a little when he laughed.

"Are most kids in woodshop like you?"

"Like what?"

"Clumsy and cute?" He smiled down at you.

"I believe you meant to say super smart and sexy!"

"Sure, totally."

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