A love song that describes your relationship

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These songs are actually pretty good

POE: "Lucky I'm in love with my best friend,
Lucky to have been where I have been,
Lucky to be coming home again."-(Lucky/James Marsden) Poe is not only the love of your life but your closest friend. It always hurts when you have to be light years away from each other.

FINN: "The only time I ever see her,
is when she's behind me in the mirror,
Even from a distance I can hear her,
I try to listen but her whispers make my ears hurt."-(Sex with a Ghost/Teddy Hyde) at first you two were only a fling and a few hookups but he found himself wanting to fall in love with you.

REY: "An untouched diamond,
that's golden and brilliant without illumination,
your mouths a constellation,
the stars are in your eyes,
I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you"-(I won't hurt you/TWCPAE) You had both been hurt in the past and were afraid of committing again. You often wrote letter back and forth to better express how you wanted them to feel and what they should know.

KYLO: "They say that love is forever,
your forever is all that I need!
Please stay as long as you need.
I can't promise that things won't be broken, but I promise I will never leave."- (If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn/ Sleeping with Sirens) You have a rocky relationship but would do anything for each other.

HUX: "You're beautiful,
and evil too,
sinister and vile,
for you I'd die,
or kill myself,
whichever makes you smile."-(From the Gallows/IDKHOW) He loves you dearly and loves your dark side. He takes pride in making you happy even if it means his own downfall.

HAN: "They way that you hold me,
whenever you hold me,
there's some kind of magic inside you,
that keeps me from running,
so just keep it coming,
how'd you learn to do the things you do?"-(Nobody does it better/Carly Simon) He is a great lover but can be mysterious and withdrawn at times.

LEIA: "I know I shouldn't but I, Can't stop myself from falling for ya,
feels like a tumble from another world,
into your arms and it's so secure,
maybe I'll stumble but I know for sure,
head over heels I'm gonna be your girl,"- (Falling for Ya'/ Chen Neeman) You're love was scary at first because so many people frowned upon it. After she told you that the two of you could take the word by storm together you felt a little more confident knowing you'd be with her as long as you could.

LUKE: "I wasn't jealous before we met,
now every man that I see is a potential threat,
and I'm possessive it isn't nice,
you've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice,
but now it isn't true,
now everything is you."-(Lay All Your Love/ABBA) He gets scared he isn't good enough and tries to show off.

ANAKIN: " I don't know what to do without you,
I don't know where to put my hands,
I've been trying to lay me head down,
but I'm writing this at 3 AM"- (Francis Forever-Mitski) He was gone a lot and very work oriented but when he was home he was all yours.

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