Meeting Eachother PART TWO

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I didn't have many ideas for this,,,,whoops

HAN: You were sitting in a local bar waiting for someone to exchange ship parts with. You had recently lost your stabilizer on your left wing and this guy needed a new repair to the windshield so it wouldn't dent or crack when he traveled.

The bar was too loud. Annoying music, people yelling to talk to each other, it was getting to be too much so you stepped out back. It was dark and chilly. You lit a cigarette,

"You know those'll kill you, right?" turning your head you see a tall dorky looking man with a wookie beside him.

"Yeah that's kinda the point." He only laughed and leaned against the wall,

"Waiting for someone princess?"

"Kinda? I'm supposed to be exchanging ship parts with some guy who needs his windshield fix." The man scoffed,

"you're looking at him sweetheart! Come on, I'll show you my ship."

LEIA: You were a young girl on Alderaan. Daughter of a war captain actually. Your father had sent you to the room where all the kids of special people go.

It had a big window that looked towards the horizon. There were a few buckets with toys and a big fuzzy carpet. Only one other little girl was in there though. She had funny hair and was playing with her dolls. You decided to sit next to her,

"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n! Who are you?"

"My names Leia, wanna play with me?"

LUKE: Same way as Leia except you two would give your action figures and dolls tattoos and see how high you could drop them before they broke.

ANAKIN: This day could not get any worse, you crashed your bike on the way to work right into the back of someone's pod. You watched as the door clicked open and a man stepped out,

"Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

"No! Not at all, I'm so sorry about your pod, I can pay to have it fixed if you'd like!"

"It's really no problem, this has happened before but I have to say the last guy who crashed into me wasn't nearly as cute as you are."

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