Overwhelmed: Luke Skywalker

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"It's not fair for you to take your anger out on me." He was yelling at you again. It was staring to get scary, you knew Luke had been struggling with his emotions for the past month or so. You really wanted to help but you didn't know how.

He put his head in his hands and bounced his leg trying to take deep breaths. He was like a ticking time bomb. Cautiously you sat beside him. All you heard was his ragged breathing and the occasional noise outside,

"I don't wanna scare you....I just wanna be good." He whispered finally, his voice breaking.

"I wanna help the galaxy... I wanna help change it for the better. How can I do that when everyone is so good at being bad? What am I doing wrong?" Laying your head on his shoulder you took his sweaty hand and tried to keep it from shaking,

"Oh baby, you're not doing anything wrong. You've been trying your best and working your hardest. You've helped change the galaxy so much already. Han, Leia, Chewy, and everyone else is so proud of you"  making him look at you now you made sure he heard every word you said. So he could know how important he is.

"Luke I love you. Whatever you're dealing with, I'm gonna try and help." He smiled and leaned in kissing you softly, his lips were warm and he pulled you close to him. You almost felt afraid to let go, in fear he would get upset again.

"I love you too."

Wow this is super short. And kinda bad,,,,sorry.

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