Party: Rey Skywalker

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Preview: Y/n is afraid of what people will think of her and Rey

"What if people stare?"

"So what? You love attention!"

"Yeah, good attention."
You and your girlfriend Rey had been bickering all the way to an important dinner with a few of the Rebellion leaders. She clearly wasn't as nervous as you are about going as a couple. Only Poe and Finn knew so far, they were obviously supportive.

"What if you get fired for being there with me?" She laughed,

"They can't fire me, I'm the Jedi who's gonna stop the war." She saw your worried look and reached her hand over to grab yours. She spoke softly,

"I love you n/n, what they say isn't going to change anything. And who knows, maybe they'll love us!" She kissed your cheek before taking a deep breath and walking through the main hall, you following close behind.

The room was massive and filled with people you didn't know. Rey pulled you to a table and you both sat by General Organa,

"Good to see you two, glad you could bring a friend Rey."
Rey glances your way before smiling brightly,

"Actually General, Y/n is my date!"
Don't be mad, please don't be mad...

"That's wonderful! I always guessed you two had something going on!"


"If you don't mind, Y/n and I are gonna get some fresh air."


It was chilly outside, the wind didn't help. Rey must've noticed because she wrapped her arms around you and laid her head on your chest,

"See? Everything worked out." The sun had set but there was still traces of purple and orange light across the sky. You watched the trees wave back and forth. Kissing her hair you sighed,

"I love you."

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