Modern AU

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Preview: How you meet if they lived on earth in modern times!

POE: You were both pilots in the military. The two of you met when he first got hired,

"Could you get me a coffee sweetheart? I'm about to meet Captain L/n."

"I am Captain L/n sweetheart." After this you were wary of him but soon grew fond when you realized he wasn't a total jerk. He was embarrassed all throughout his first week.

FINN: It was your first year at University and you were totally lost. Grabbing the nearest stranger you asked them where room 206 is,

"Just over there in the east building. There should be maps by the entrance." Wow he was handsome,

"Thank you! I'm Y/n."


REY: You met Rey when you were little playing a game of hide-and-seek tag in the neighborhood. All the kids on the block joined in. You were trying to find the perfect hiding spot when you saw an old shack at the edge of a field.

Running through the tall itchy grass you opened the door and saw another little girl. She was crying,

"What wrong?" She turned to look at you and began crying harder,

"O-one if t-t-the boy at school cut off m-my pigtails with scissors!" You saw that her hair was uneven in the back,

"That's mean. I tell you what, if I ever see that boy I'll bite his nose off!" She sniffles before standing up,

"I'm Rey."

"I'm n/n, do you wanna play tag with me and some of my friends?"

KYLO: You has always loved libraries. Not really because you liked to read or study but because of the atmosphere. Huge comfy chairs and high ceilings.

You were putting away a book you found on the floor when someone tapped your shoulder,

"Excuse me. I don't know where to return this to." The guy was tall and really broad shouldered. He reminded you of a bad boy you read about in a book once,

"Why would I know where that goes?"

"Are you not the librarian? You looked like one."

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" You laughed and took the book from him checking the spine. You felt a little uncomfortable when you saw what the book was.

'The History of BDSM'

Trying not to make him feel any more embarrassed you pointed to your left,

"Aisle four. Under the T section."

"Okay, thanks."

HUX: You met when you were driving down the highway and saw a man kneeling beside a vintage car (Hux is totally a vintage car guy) Pulling over you rolled down your window,

"Need help?" The man turned around and wow were you glad he did.

"Uh, yes please. I don't know what wrong." You hopped out of your truck and grabbed your toolkit from the back. Squatting you looked at his tires and the belly of his car. He was watching you intently,

"Do you often help strangers who's cars break down?" Looking out from under the car you winked,

"Only the cute ones."

HAN: You owned an Inn on a small island. You inherited it from your mother. Lately though since one of the workers went on maternity leave you had double the work to do.

You woke up determined to at least try to have a nice day. The sun was shining and you put on your clothes before going to the front desk.

But someone was already there. Not at your desk but sleeping a lobby chair. Cute guy, kinda scruffy looking. No luggage?

"You need something sir?" He startled awake and jumped to the front desk,

"Yeah, could I get a room? I suppose I got here before y'all opened and fell asleep." He smiled sheepishly rubbing his neck. The morning sun hit his face and he slightly squinted at you,

"Sure thing sir. Do you have a preference on what floor your on?"

"Doesn't matter as long as I can see you." You weren't used to customers flirting with you. You didn't really know how to react. Smiling you handed him a set of keys,

"Room 104, maybe I'll see you around."

LUKE: "One large caramel latte for..Skywalker?" A man stood up and smiled,

"That's me!"

"Is that really your last name? It's super cool if it is."

"Yeah, my sister has the same one!..Wait no that makes me sound stupid, of course she has the same one. We're related." You giggled at him and scribbled your number on the cup,

"Call me sometime, Skywalker."

LEIA: You were examining the new sculptures at the art museum when much prettier picture walked beside you. She stood in silence for a few moments,

"It's amazing how someone can make a block of stone into that."

"I studied the sculptor in one of my art classes, apparently it took her three years to make this piece."

"I can see why, it's gorgeous! I'm Leia."

"Y/n, I work here on weekends. You should stop by again sometime."

ANAKIN: High school theatre was really great and terrible at the same time. You weren't one for the spotlight so you worked backstage. This year only three other kids worked backstage so you got to know each other pretty well. Anakin and you worked the lights while a girl named Padame worked the soundboard and Lando took care of the props.

This year your school was doing a production of 42nd Street. Every one was busy doing their jobs when halftime rolled around. Padame left the booth to use the bathroom. Which left you and Anakin alone,

"Tonight's show is going pretty well."

"Yeah! I'm glad Casey can hit that high note, because I certainly can't." The both of you laughed and you leaned against him suddenly feeling tired,

"Don't fall asleep yet partner. We've still got Act 2."

"But I'm soooo tireeed." He brushed hair out of your face,

"I'll make you a deal. You stay awake for the rest of the show and I'll buy you lunch tomorrow."


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