Their Secret Hobby (Preference)

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POE: You didn't see it at first but Poe was actually a great gardener. You'd find tiny potted plants on his ship and flowers on his windowsill. When you asked he said he planted them himself.

FINN: He enjoyed cooking and making up new recipes. If his cooking ended up in total disaster you would just order pizza and pretend he made it.

REY: Being agile and flexible made her pretty good at dance. She always beat in you in those rhythm games. When you asked how she got so good she said she used to take dance lessons.

KYLO: Film editing, you caught him piecing together surveillance footage to make it look like a storm trooper was dancing. It was
oddly adorable.

HUX: He spilled green tea on his papers once and was fascinated by the shape it made. Soon he discovered a passion for water color!

HAN: Baking! You once walked in on him wearing an apron and cute little oven mitts. He made you swear not to tell anyone.

LEIA: Board games! Luke got upset whenever she won (which was almost every night). She was especially good at scrabble and chess.

LUKE: Massages! He handled the task of helping everyone relax after a long mission.

ANAKIN: Puppetry. He uses the force to move them around and scare people.

DIN: He learned to sew to stitch up his wounds but found it really relaxing. He would make dolls and awkward looking shirts for the child.

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