You Look Good: Han Solo

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Preview: Y/n and Leia make an unstoppable team

Han was an idiot among many other things,
a jokester
a smart ass
the list could go on for days

He thought it was really funny when he altered your shoes so whenever you put them on you gravitate to the ceiling. You (wearing a skirt at the time) did not.

It was only when you and Leia were alone walking that the idea struck you,

"We need to get back at Solo."

"I whole heartedly agree." She got a devious look on her face,

"Ya know, I still have that terrible outfit from when I was a slave..."


The plan was set. Two plans actually.
Han has just gotten into the shower, you had filled in Chewy and Luke about what was going to happen and that they should maybe grab a camera. Leia came running back with Hans clothes wadded up in her hands,

"Perfect, now go throw them outside before he gets out!" The two of you couldn't control your giggling. It was fun to have fun.

When she got back inside you heard Han yell,

"Where are my clothes?"

"Whaaat? I can't hear you!"

"I said, WHERE are my CLOTHES!" Luke was laughing too now. You walked in front if the shower door,

"Those old things? I threw them away." He started banging in the door,

"If you're being serious I'm gonna kill all of you." He yelled through the door,

"Not without any clothes you're not!" Leia walked up next to you,

"Don't be mean n/n, don't worry Han. I think there's an extra outfit in the cupboards." She snorted before you both ran back to the cockpit.

When Han came out...he was pissed. He was wearing the tiny bikini with the golden hoops. Luke was laughing so hard he thought he was gonna pee,

"You look good."

"Where are my clothes?" You batted your eyes and pointed out the window where his clothes were hanging off a branch outside. It was pouring rain. This day just keeps getting better and better!

"Luke go get them for me."

"S-sorry *wheeze* I can't! I-I'm busy."

Leia got up and rubbed his shoulders,

"Don't be embarrassed, you make a very pretty woman." He pushed her away and stormed out slamming the door. Time for plan #2,

While Han was outside trying to get the clothes down and not expose his crotch to the world. You ran to his room and grabbed his computer loading it up,

Password: FlyingS0l0


Han was drenched, but at least he was wearing clothes.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Where's Y/n?"
Luke poked his head out from behind the co-pilot seat,

"She's going through all our devices to make sure no ones tracking us!"

His face dropped,
"Oh shit." He ran down the hall and swung the door open to see you browsing through his personal stuff,

"Get out, now."
Ignoring his command you continued,

"Why is your search history so...colorful." His face went red and he tried to get the computer away from you, but you jumped up and crosses over to the other side of the room,

"You know I used to work at a nightclub you have a membership card to on here?"

"...Which one?" He sat down next to you and managed to pry computer out of your hands.

The screen was a shitty website for a club. They had a lost of photos you could scroll through. In the third photo was you behind a bar wearing a skimpy outfit pouring drinks. You laughed a little,


"My outfit looks like the one you were wearing earlier!"
He frowned and closed the computer,

"That wasn't funny Y/n."

"Yes it was."

"Was not."

"Was too!"

"Shut up or I'll kiss you."


"Promise?" He smiled and leaned in closer,


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