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The street is dark.

Dim light poles poorly light the sidewalk, but there is just enough light for a person to be seen, walking with his hands in his pockets, not really paying attention to anything since this was a routine walk.

This person is (Y/N) (L/N), who was walking home after another long day. Of course, driving a car would be faster, but gas was too expensive for going back and forth for a walkable commute, and riding a bike was always a pain whenever the streets were packed earlier in the day.

Violently breaking your routine, a wave of drowsiness hit you hard, and you had to stop walking to make sure you wouldn't fall down.

Dang, I knew that I shouldn't have eaten that burger. Keith looked suspicious when he gave it to me...

You stumbled forward, hoping that you could make it back home since it wasn't too much farther away. However, another wave of drowsiness hit, and you couldn't concentrate on anything anymore. The world seemed to be warping, and you know that nothing good ever comes from whatever this was.

You tried to blink away the drowsiness, but to no avail. 

Soon enough, you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, and you felt like your body was falling toward the ground, but you couldn't tell if this sensation was real or due to whatever of was that was affecting you.

All of a sudden, the drowsiness disappeared, and you could see light through your eyelids, and you could hear the sounds of a busy street.  

What the heck? Is this a dream, or I eat something that made me really high?

You open your eyes, and you are stunned by the sight that meets you.

There are demihumans walking around as if this is completely normal. There are these weird lizard looking thingies pulling carriages, and the city that you are in appears to be medieval.

No way! I really hope that I just got isekai'd. Knowing how these things work, I'll probably suffer some emotional trauma, but I'll worry about that later.

While you were silently celebrating/hoping that your life just got spiced up, you suddenly hear a man yell, "Watch out!" 

You look to your left, where a carriage is just about to hit a little kid.

"I wonder if I have any special abilities.... well, I won't know unless I find out! Special powers, GO!!" You mumbled all of this because, even though you were in a different world now, it's still embarrassing to act like some wizard in the middle of a street full of strangers. 

Anyways, you stretched your arm out towards the carriage, and you strain your whole body to try and force the powers out that you may or may not have. At the very same time, you see another person do the same thing.

Both of you are useless. 

No powers come out, so a knight saves the little kid. Distraught, you walk off. At least there's some other guy who also made a fool of himself.

Wait... that person looks familiar...

No way! That's Natuski Subaru! 

Oh shoot. 

This means that I'm in the world of Re:Zero, one of the worst possible places to get isekai'd to.

Hey guys, I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. I know that this chapter is short, but that's because it is the prologue. I'll make sure that the next chapters will be longer.

On another note, feel free to leave suggestions for my writing! Criticism is welcomed because I'm trying to become a better writer.

See you next time!

(A/N): I've gone back and edited some aspects of Arc 1 since I honestly didn't know what I was doing at the time, so keep that in mind if you see any comments criticizing the story that don't make any sense, since I went back and fixed a few of those things. 😁

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now