Traveling Towards The Future

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The knighting party lasted throughout the night, resulting in many people not waking up until noon the next day.

That included you, and what woke you up was the sweet scent of baked deliciousness.

When you rubbed your eyes and stretched the drowsiness out of your body, you noticed that Frederica was standing at the end of the sizable bed with whatever it was that smelled so good.

"(Y/N), I am sorry to bother your rest, but I believe that you would enjoy these honey crisps while they are still warm." Frederica did a small bow, and then she set a plate of the crisps on the bed stand to your right.

Picking up the plate and grabbing the warm food with your hand, you took a bite.

As soon as your teeth sank in to the baked good, your whole body relaxed, and you smiled in ecstasy. This honey crisp was light and fluffy, and the honey made it the perfect amount of sweet. Seriously, how did the food here taste so good?

After swallowing your first bite, you said, "Thanks for the brunch, Frederica! It's the perfect way to start off any day!"

She smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, though I do not know what 'brunch' is."

"Well," you explained, "It's when you eat something for breakfast and lunch at the same time. Mix up the words, and you get brunch!"

Frederica chuckled slightly at the foreign phrase and its explanation. "You and Subaru-sama surely do use odd words." Making sure that this didn't come off as an insult, she added, "But of course, that trait is endearing."

You nodded while eating the warm honey crisp. "Yeah, where I come from, people have a lot of different words and phrases, so you'll hear me and Subaru use them every now and then." 

Remembering your cover story, which said that you and Subaru used to live in a town just outside of Lugnica, but moved out before it was destroyed, you made a safe answer to Frederica's comment.

The maid made an 'oh' expression, and bowed. "Now that I have given you 'brunch', I will attend to my other duties." She giggled when she said 'brunch', and that made you smile too.

Bowing your head in thanks, you replied, "Thanks for the food, and I'll see you later!"

With that, Frederica walked out of the room.

'Hey Echidna, you there?'

'Of course I am. Even if my physical body sleeps, my soul never rests.'

This was Echidna, who used her telepathic link provided by the black pendant around your neck to talk to you while you were not in her Tea Party. 

'(Y/N), I was not going to tell you this, but please note that my current residence is not named as my tea party.'

'Wait, what?'

'It is called my Castle of Dreams. I had originally ignored your incorrect assumption, but it was beginning to slightly irritate me. And while we are on the topic of incorrect names, the book that you call a Gospel is actually referred to as a Tome of Wisdom. The book that Subaru owns is a Gospel, but it is a cheap imitation of my creations. Similarly, I have made the mistake of calling my creations "metias," as you do. I actually named them "meteors," as they are like shooting stars, granting one's wishes.'

'If I was wrong, why didn't you let me know?'

'I had no obligation to do so.'

'Is that so... Well, I was actually wondering how you got Elsa and Meili to come to this mansion.  You never did tell me how you did it, so I wanted to ask you about it.'

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now