Birthday Chapter No. 3

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A/N: It's already that time of year again! January 24 is both my birthday and Echidna's birthday, so here's another special chapter to celebrate this special day!

This year, I let you guys ask any question to any character, and I have to say thank you for the amazing response! I didn't expect to get so many questions, so I can't thank you enough!

And while I'm thanking all of you, I have to say thank you for getting this story to 285k views! You guys are the reason that I'm still working on this after starting as a clueless writer way back in January 2021, and I can't say thank you enough for making such an amazing community here to help authors like me be able to keep on writing all of our ideas here for you to read!

Now, I'll start with the questions with shorter answers first, and then as we go on, the answers will get longer. When they start to get REALLY long (we all know who's going to be responsible for those answers), I'll add a summary in the form of a TL;DR at the end of them to help some of you folks out.

I hope you enjoy this special chapter!

Q1. For Echidna: Echidna, do you know how to cook?

Echidna: "Anybody can cook"; I believe this is what Chef Gusteau proclaimed in Ratatouille, and I am no exception. I may possess a severe lack of experience in doing so, but I cannot imagine that I would struggle to create a delicious meal.

(A/N: Echidna cannot, in fact, cook well. She can make things look just fine, but the taste leaves a lot to be desired.)

Q2. For Echidna; Echidna with your new resurrected body, are you immortal? I mean, you will never grow old or grow?

Echidna: My current body is a manifestation of mana, so as long as it is not drained of all of its mana, my body will survive indefinitely. As a result, yes; I am effectively immortal, and I will never physically age or grow.

Q3. To Meili: About the Reinhard and (Y/N) Dolls incident... Was it really accidental?

Meili: Y-you remember that? It was totally an accident! I was just playing with my dolls when nii-san and Elsa-nee opened my door, and it surprised me, so my hands jumped and p-pushed the dolls' faces together! I promise! They weren't doing that on purpose!

Q4. To Elsa: Did you really ever think you'd end up on the good side? Being the Bowel Hunter and all, you could have beaten Y/N in the burning mansion, so why did you stop? Was it because of Meili?

Elsa: Ara~! The good side...? There is no good side. I am just on the side that will serve me best, because that also means that Meili will be safe. You know, I raised Meili after I found her as a feral child, so I am quite attached to her. You can even say that I see her as a little sister, and seeing Meili being so happy these days almost makes me feel as warm much as fresh blood does~

Q5. For Emilia: If you knew that Subaru pushed (Y/N) into the mabeasts, why didn't you say anything about it?

Emilia: I was really surprised when I heard that Subaru pushed (Y/N) into the Ulgarm, and I was too shocked to say anything at first! Puck helped me scold Subaru, and I made sure that we would apologize to (Y/N)! I was mad because I didn't want him to hurt himself or (Y/N) to help me again, so we had a really long talk, and Subaru was super regretful about doing that to (Y/N). But when it came to talking to (Y/N) about it... I still didn't know him very well, and he was trying very hard to move on from it, so I didn't want to hurt him by being insensitive, so I didn't say anything about it. To this day, thinking about Subaru doing that gives me the heebie-jeebies, and I wish that I could have done more for (Y/N) back then, but I think that they figured it out between them, because (Y/N) and Subaru get along really well now!

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