The Capital

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You and Subaru went back towards the mansion once the guests left. 

"Hey (Y/N), what were they here for? I kinda forgot that you know the future, but I remember now! Tell me what's going on!" He pleaded, not patient enough to wait a few minutes longer.

You sigh, and roll your eyes. This man had the audacity not only to use the most expensive tea without permission, but he kept on (very clearly) showing off his affection for Emilia. With all of this, he still acts like you owe him something.

"You've waited this long, so I won't say anything. Roswaal should explain everything once we get inside." Subaru reacts by gasping, and your eye starts twitching.

"WHAT?! Why won't you tell me? It's exactly because I've had to wait this long that you should tell me! What kind of person keeps secrets from his friend?"

Bruh. Who doesn't keep secrets? The people that talk about everything are the ones that are weird.

"All the normal ones, and especially the angry ones." When you said this, Subaru's dense self was confused. 

"You're angry? Why?"

Before your frustration could unleash itself and cause you to injure Subaru, the mansion doors were opened by Rem. "Subaru-kun! (Y/N)! Roswaal-sama has requested that you meet with him at once in the dining hall."

You take a deep breath, and smile. "Sure thing. We'll be there soon." You turned to Subaru, and in a low voice, added, "See? You're just about to find out, so chill out." You picked up your pace, and fast-walked into the mansion, not waiting for your partner.

Time Skip

Everybody, except for Beatrice, was now in the dining hall. Roswaal stood and cleared his throat. "As you all know, we just had a veeeery important visitor. For the person who doesn't understand his purpose," his eyes went directly to Subaru. "He came here to inform us that Lady Emilia has been summoned to the capital for the Royal Selection. Before you can ask, no you cannoooot go with her, Subaru."

"WHAT?!" Subaru stood up from his seat, and yelled unnecessarily loud. "First off, why would you assume that I would demand to go, and second, how dare you not let me go?! This is an important thing to Emilia, so I want to be there to help her!"

Rem came in to help Subaru. "Roswaal-sama, there are many people in the capital that helped Subaru. He can go and thank them while he accompanies Emilia-sama." 

Subaru gave her a thumbs up. "Nice, Rem!" He directed his attention back to Roswaal. "She's right, you know. Some people in the capital were a big help to me, so I need to let them know that I'm alive and well."

Roswaal grinned, as if this amused him. "Subaru-kun, I will let you know that we planned on you going to the capital to receive treatment from Felix, one of the people who were here earlier who also happens to be one of Lugunica's finest water magic users."

"You mean that cat-girl? She can heal people?" interrupted Subaru. 

Everything went silent, and you coughed. "Umm... I hate to break it to you, but Felix is a guy."


"TRAP!" As soon as he exclaimed this, you hit Subaru on the side of the head. 

Everybody seemed confused at that term, but Roswaal continued where he left off. "Like I was sayiiing, you were only going to get your damaged gate healed, but nooow, I will let you accompany Lady Emilia, who is the reason that you were going to get healed in the first place."

Subaru used this as an excuse to shower Emilia with more praise. "Really? You got that healer just for me?"

You clench your fists under the table. So far, you have tried to avoid eye contact with Ram, who was sitting by Roswaal. As if her presence wasn't stressful enough, Subaru kept going on with this 'me' crap. Not once has he mentioned you in his argument to go to the capital. It really shows where his priorities are. 

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now