The Sanctuary's End

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(A/N): This starts about half an hour after Subaru, Otto, and Garfiel left the Sanctuary to go to the mansion. Enjoy!

As Emilia began the third and final Trial, Ram knew that she also had a duty to uphold.

It was her duty to stop Roswaal from following the Gospel anymore. It was destroying him. It was like a fire that consumed his entire being and left no more than a husk of a man who had only one desire in his life. She was going to extinguish that fire and force him to live outside of his twisted fantasies. 

Because - even though it was absurd, even though it should have never happened - Ram had fallen in love with Roswaal. 

And now, the day has finally come for her to save him. Even if it meant destroying the only thing that he cared about, she was going to fulfill her wish to save him.

So now, she stood across from Roswaal at the core of the Sanctuary, where he was attempting to cast a wide-ranged spell that would envelop the Sanctuary in snow. He was no longer under the guise of being immobile. The magician was beginning the final stage of his plan.

"I suppose that it would be easy to get here if one used clairvoyance." Roswaal turned around, and disappointedly looked at Ram, who had indeed used her under-used clairvoyance to find him. "Did I not order you to wait for Emilia-sama?" The usual playful tone in his voice was gone, and was replaced by a serious one instead.

With her usual straight expression, Ram replied, "Yes, you did."

Anger rose in Roswaal's voice. "Then tell me. For what reason did you come here?"

"It's simple." Ram whipped out her wand, which she hadn't used in a very long time. "I've come to take you away from the Witch's delusions." She pointed her wand at Roswaal, demonstrating her resolve.

This ticked Roswaal off. "Delusions, eh? It has been years since you last pointed your wand at me, but it's a shame you did so here, and called them 'delusions...'"

With her wand still pointed at Roswaal, Ram replied, "I've always considered them as such. I just never said it out loud. Is it not obvious?"

This, for some reason, amused him. "Obvious...?" He chuckled lightly. "That word seems to have many meanings, but from your perspective, I suppose that your humiliating days spent yielding to me have been long. But I do have to say that I considered your behavior to be your way of demonstrating your devotion."

This behavior that Roswaal mentioned was about Ram's actions at the Sanctuary. She had assisted Subaru and Otto in defeating Garfiel and getting him to take the Trial, and Roswaal mistook that as her wanting to help him create an even more complex situation for Subaru.

"Beating up Garf served two purposes: to fulfill my goal, and to rectify his stupidity." Ram lowered her wand, as Roswaal also relaxed and seemed to stop casting the spell.

"I cannot deny that it all worked out in the end. Subaru-kun will naturally choose to walk a fine line in the final confrontation, if (Y/N) doesn't kill him or somebody else first."

When Roswaal mentioned you, Ram narrowed her eyes. "What does (Y/N) have to do with this?"

Roswaal smirked. "Do you not remember what I ordered him to do? He went to the mansion, so he will surely become an obstacle and create a situation in which Subaru-kun will have to sacrifice somebody! Will it be Garfiel? Will it be Beatrice? Maybe Otto! Whoever it is, Subaru-kun will have to choose between their life or his life. (Y/N) is the catalyst for this decision, and it will drive everything toward my goal!"


Ram's abrupt response confused Roswaal. "What do you mean, 'no'?"

"(Y/N) would never do something like that. He has matured, so he will definitely not make a choice as foolish as that one. He even promised me that he would not comply with your demand."

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now