Special Birthday Chapter (Q/A + OST's!)

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Today (January 24) is a very special day... It's Echidna's birthday!

Since she's a very special Witch/person/whatever you think she is to you, here's a Q/A that I wrote up and a new OST drop for this story!

Q: Who is your favorite fictional character?

A: Fictional character? If I am not mistaken, I can be considered to be a fictional character. Therefore, I should be able to name any person from the world that I currently reside within. However, I understand that you asked this question in order to gain knowledge as to who my favorite anime or television character is, so I will respond to your greed with an answer that will answer the question that you did not elaborate on. I have two characters in mind as the best candidates to be my most favored, but I believe that only one of them truly excites me in a fashion that no other character has been able to incite within me. My favorite fictional character is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from Classroom of the Elite. His intelligence, coupled with his relationship with others that is described as genius and tool, excites me in a way that no other fictional character has been able to accomplish. Perhaps this is because he reminds me of myself... or rather, how I see myself.

Q: What is your favorite anime?

A: It may be assumed that my favorite anime is Classroom of the Elite, but this is not the case. While that anime hosts my favorite character, I enjoyed other anime's more than I did that one.  My top selection (as of my current self) would be Death Note, Dr. Stone, and Violet Evergarden. I was almost tempted to include Code Geass into this list, but I found many of the battles boring. Lelouch was the only element that stood out to me, but I conclude that my judgement may be impaired, as this was the very first anime that I watched. Nevertheless, it did not make my top few. As for my favorite of the three I listed, I will explain why I selected each one, and the reason for my top choice. Death Note was intellectually thrilling until L died. After that, I lost interest. In fact, I believe that Yagami Light could have used the Shinigami Eyes without giving up half of his lifespan if he would have simply terminated his contract daily, then set himself up to touch the Death Note once more and then proceed to obtain the Eyes immediately. This would have updated the half-lifespan limit daily, so he would have been able to kill any enemies without having to sacrifice a large portion of his life. If he would have done this, Death Note would not have ended with the pitiful downfall that befell Light. Therefore, Death Note is not my top choice. Next, Dr. Stone's protagonist, Senku, was a brilliant character whose knowledge gave me many insights into the creation of many things, which was thrilling. His intuition and cunning is what left such an impression upon me. Moving on quickly, I chose Violet Evergarden because of Violet's state of detachment. She was similar to me in the way that she could not comprehend emotions, but our circumstances were much less similar. The reason that I enjoyed this particular anime was because the protagonist was able to find love and understand it: the very goal that I strive to accomplish with (Y/N). In conclusion, I will have to choose Violet Evergarden as my current favorite anime, as the emotional aspect was more endearing to me than the intellectual aspects of Death Note and Dr. Stone. Keep in mind that this list is subject to change, as my intellectual views are privy to change, and I will continue to watch as much anime as (Y/N) has watched.

Q: That's a lot of words.... *cough* But speaking of (Y/N), how do you feel about him?

A: My feelings toward (Y/N)... This is a very personal question, but that is not the issue. The complicated aspect of this question is my own lack of understanding of emotions. As (Y/N) once told me, I have a very low EQ, so I may not be able to answer this question. However, I will attempt to share an answer that will satisfy those who wish to know the answer. Do I love (Y/N)? No matter how I view this, I believe that the answer is no. Inversely, I may be wrong. According to other Witches, I am not self-aware either, so I may hold feelings for him. Now, as for my insight to my own feelings, I can only give you my unique view to that answer. I believe that I see (Y/N) as a partner. We are contractors, but I can sense that we have a relationship that surpasses mere contractors. We are comfortable with each other to a level where most who look onto our conversations would describe us as good friends. I suppose that this is true, as we are both required to tell each other the truth, as it is one of the points of our contract. We are not deceitful, so we have an understanding of each other that many others would not have. It also helps that I have access to his every thought and memory, but that is not so relevant. The definition of a friend is "a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations," and I believe that this defines me and (Y/N) quite well. Of course, (Y/N) has had sexual thoughts regarding me, but the thought is yet to be mutual, so I cannot call us partners farther than friends. But then again, can I? I cannot call us lovers for obvious reasons, and I cannot call us a couple. A couple is "two people who are married, engaged, or otherwise closely associated romantically or sexually," so this would be incorrect. I cannot call him my boyfriend, as a boyfriend is "a regular male companion with whom one has a romantic or sexual relationship." Our relationship is still lacking any true romance or sex, so I cannot say that we are more than friends or friendly partners. However, this does not speak for my thoughts, does it? Do I want more than what we are now? I would have to answer yes but no. My goal is definitely to fall in love with (Y/N), but I am unsure if that is possible. My current self has no romantic feelings regarding him - but this could also be a misgiving. Might I actually feel something for (Y/N)? Do I want to poke fun at him for more than amusement? Do I want to comfort him for more than stimulating the feeling of love in him? Do I want to keep him alive for more than convenience? Do I enjoy myself when he is present because I love him? These are all questions that I would like to answer, but I am unable to formulate an honest response. In conclusion, I do not know. 

Q: W-what's the most interesting thing that you've ever learned?

A: This is a very intriguing question! There are at least twenty discoveries that stand out from the rest, and I shall explain my reasoning behind all of them, with a final analysis-

Q: NO! This was a bad idea. I'm out.

A: But I really wanted to talk about my top twenty-


Here's my newest OST's (Original Soundtracks) that I wrote! This first one, "The Puppeteer," was inspired by the Witch of Greed herself, and the second one, "Reflecting on the Past," was the result of me wanting to try and make something peaceful/emotional. Enjoy!

I've got some more OST's coming in the future, but that probably won't be for another few months. 

On the other hand, I'll have a new chapter out sometime in the next week. I'll see you there!

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