The Augria Sand Dunes (Part 2)

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After the conversation with Ram ended, Roswaal and the maid exited the carriage and into a second dome that the clown created inside the one Omega had already made, just as they had done the night before.

While they were in the smaller dome, Roswaal fed mana into Ram's forehead, where her horn had been broken off. As it turns out, this wasn't healing magic, which made sense since Roswaal didn't have an affinity for it, and instead, he gave Ram the mana that she needed to survive.

According to Echidna, an oni's body requires an incredible amount of mana to live, and they usually absorb the mana from their horns. This meant that, since Ram's horn had been cut off, she needed somebody to manually give her the mana. 

This explained a lot of things from season 1, specifically the weird cuddling scene, and it gave you an answer for why Ram might not be affected by the miasma as much as everybody else.

You weren't given an explanation as to why they had to go into a separate dome, but you didn't question it. If it was between you seeing the two getting all close together and having them completely out of sight, you'd gladly take the second option.

Now, since you didn't have to drive for the rest of the night, you fed Patrasche and made yourself comfortable inside the carriage, which had seats that were much more padded than the one outside. 

As you sat back, relishing the comfort of the seat, Meili scooted closer to your left side, since Omega was on the right. "Umm..." she muttered uneasily, "I know that you two kind of talked about it earlier, but how exactly are we gonna get to the tower if we can't get closer to it?"

"Well," you told her, "I don't think we need to try and do the same thing we did today, since just trying to go forward the normal way doesn't seem to work. There were a few ideas I had, but I really don't like what they mean for us up there in the driver's seats..."

Meili looked confused at your hanging answer, so Omega finished the thought. "The most prominent theory I have devised suggests that we must travel toward the Pleiades Watchtower during Sand Time, as there must be a warp in space between us and our destination, and during the sandstorm, I believe that there will be a moment in which the space collapses, allowing us to move into the domain of the Tower."

The child didn't look any less lost, so you did her a favor and simplified what Omega just said. "So basically, we have to move during Sand Time to actually get closer - or so we think."

"But why?" Meili asked, running her fingers through her dark blue hair as she tried to understand the theory.

You heard Echidna chuckle with anticipation in your head, but it seemed like she decided to hold back on the explanation since it actually came out as a short version of it.

"It is elementary, my dear! Sand Time is the only unusual phenomenon here in conjunction with the space distortion, so they have a high probability of being related to one another!"

"Oh..." Meili sighed, as if she was a little disappointed with the odd simplicity of the answer.

You got up from your seat and toward the center of the carriage, where a compartment beneath the flooring held the food. As you did so, you said, "Hey, be glad that we're trying the simple one first."

Meili shrugged. "Whatever you do, I'll just keep the animal-chan's away." Shrinking back down, away from her confident stature, she added, "I just wanted to get there fast so I don't fall asleep again and cause more trouble for everyone."

Before putting a piece of jerky that you found into your mouth, you shook your head at the remorseful Meili. "Don't be sorry. You can ask Omega here if you don't believe me, but all of those mabeasts were light work. We didn't slow down, and the carriage never took any damage, so no worries there."

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