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"Is it not obvious?" Ram smirked. "I'm here to teach a clueless boy how to read and write."

"Oh." Any misconceptions that you had disappeared. You hurriedly put your new clothes away, then took a seat at your table.

"Now then, lets begin." Ram spent the next two hours teaching you the alphabet. You only remembered about half of it, but progress is progress. 

At the end, Ram was yawning, and she finally decided to end the lesson. As she was leaving, she gave you a head pat and a small smile. "Good work, (Y/N)-kun, you're doing great." With this, she left you.

What was that? Why did Ram do that? Girls don't act like that toward me!

You were visibly flustered, and she saw it. 

Once your door was closed, Ram wiped the smile off of her face, and proceeded to go to Roswaal's room.

Once she got there, she knocked on the door. 

"Come in, Ram." Roswaal's muffled voice said.

She opened the door, then closed it behind her. "Roswaal-sama, I did as you asked."

"Good." Roswaal had an amused smile on his face. "Continue what you are doing and get close to (Y/N). He will be a very important piece, and it won't do if we lose him."

Ram nodded her head, then went to Roswaal and cuddled with him, a very disturbing sight. 

"I'll do anything for you Roswaal-sama. Don't worry."

Time skip

You got up at 5:30 the next morning so that you could help prepare breakfast.

Groaning, you got out of bed, and put on your butler clothes.

I've got to admit, this fits me perfectly, and it's really comfortable. I'll make sure to thank Rem when I see her.

You headed towards the kitchen, hoping that you wouldn't get lost.

You got lost.

Well, maybe it's because it's dark, but I don't recognize this hallway... Maybe if I keep on walking, I'll finally find a place that I can remember.

You kept on walking and walking, until you give up. 

You know what, I'll just open all of these doors until I find someone. Screw privacy. Its not like people respect me, so why should I respect them?

The first door that you opened revealed a library. A very certain library with a very certain someone in it.

"What are doing here, I suppose?" Beatrice looked up from her book, wanting an answer.

Of course, I just had to find her... "Well, you see, I was trying to head to the kitchen, but I got lost. Then, I just opened up a random door, and it happened to open up to here."

"You and Subaru seem to have a knack for annoying Betty, I suppose." she said. "Close the door. I will help you, I suppose."

Will you stop saying 'I suppose' at the end of every sentence!? Sure, it's all cute and funny, but it's just getting annoying at this point.

You think this, but you still close the door. As soon as you close it, Beatrice told you, "Now open it, I suppose. Leave Betty alone."

You open the door, and you were now in a familiar hallway with the kitchen only a short distance away. "Thank you! I don't know what I would have done without your help!" You decide to act nice to her and thank her instead of being rude. 

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now