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Subaru and Rem are now at Crusch's residence. Subaru is laying in his bed, waiting for Felix to come to heal his gate. He was holding (Y/N)'s note, making a mental checklist of what he needs to be doing.

Okay, so let's see... when Reinhard comes, I need to try and get him to stay... and I need to figure out when Rem feels something from Ram, which means the Witch Cult is attacking Roswaal's domain. Huh, I guess I'll have to die once that's figured out.

He scratched his head. I guess that I'll also figure out the timing that the White Whale comes. I'll just use my second loop to go out a few days before the Witch Cult attacks and go to the Flugel Tree, where it's supposed to show up.

I also need to find proof that Crusch is getting ready to fight the whale. Once I do that, I need to get her to help me, and then somehow get Anastasia to help me. And then once we kill the whale, the village needs to be evacuated, but not to the Sanctuary...

I have no idea what that means, but I'll probably figure it out soon enough. I also need to make a plan to kill this Betelgeuse guy.

Subaru sighed. "I have so much that I need to do! Why couldn't (Y/N) just stay and help with this?"

While Subaru was pitying himself, Rem and Felix came into his room.

"Are you ready for nyour treatment, Subaru-kyun?" purred Felix. He noticed the letter, and took interest in it. "Ooh, what does that say?"

Subaru folded it up. "Don't worry about i-"

The letter was snatched away from him by the cat boy. "What? What is this gibberish?" Felix asked.

Subaru sighed again. (Y/N) had written the letter in Japanese so that nobody but Subaru would be able to read it.

"It's a letter from (Y/N). It has some personal stuff in it, so he wrote it in our natural language." Subaru told Felix.

Rem took the letter away from him. "Felix-san, it is rude to snatch things from others." She handed the letter back to Subaru. "Here."

Subaru nodded his head. "Thanks."

Rem nodded her head in return. Subaru proceeded to fold the letter up and put it on the desk beside his bed.

"Nyow, are you ready for your treatment?" asked Felix.

"I guess," responded a dull Subaru.

Felix grinned. "Rem-chyan, can you get on the bed besides Subaru-kyun?"

"O-ok," stuttered Rem. She shuffled onto the bed, a light blush forming on her cheeks.

Once Rem was beside Subaru, Felix also came on the bed. He put his hands on Subaru's shoulders and activated his magic.


Time Skip

Subaru's treatment was over for the day, but he shuddered when he thought about it. Felix went just a little overboard, making the treatment almost as traumatic as the reason for his injury.


Now, Subaru is walking around the capital, hoping to gain some information about Crusch's activities.

"Hey Rem, I'm going to check out what that crowd's looking at, so stay here." Rem nodded, and Subaru walked into the throng of people.

After a few minutes of weaving through the crowd, he found that the focus of attention turned out to be a bulletin board with descriptions of the five candidates.

"Huh. A half-elf? Who would vote for her?"

Subaru turns to his right and sees a familiar face. It was the appa guy.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now