The Talk

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"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I currently work for Lady Emilia." As soon as you said this, many eyes returned to Emilia.

"So that witch has gathered even more allies..." mumbled one of the old men.

Hearing this, Subaru stepped out from his position in the crowd. "Hey you blue-eye browed freak, how dare you say that about Emilia? How dare you judge her by her looks? If people judged you by your looks, they wouldn't be able to take you seriously."

A general gasp escaped from everybody's lips. The bushy eye browed man in question stood, anger emanating from him. "And who do you think you are, boy? Who are you to be so condescending to us all? Unless you're some kind of god, you have no right to say what you just said. So, who are you?"

Subaru flippantly moved into an embarrassing pose. "I am Natsuki Subaru, and I come as this candidat- I mean, Emilia-tan's best knight!"

There was a moment of silence, and then a certain knight stepped forward. "I would be willing to forgive this interruption, but what exactly do you mean by 'knight'?"

Jilius Juukulius waited for Subaru's response, which was, "I think it's pretty self-explanatory." 

Julius rubbed his hands in his hair. "Are you not aware that you are claiming to be a knight in front of literally hundreds of knights? How dare you audaciously make this claim in front of the Knights of Lugnica!?" He stuck his arm out, and all of the knights brought out their swords in perfect unison.

"Wow. Did you practice that?" asked Subaru.

To be honest, this impressed you too, but you weren't going to let it show. What bothered you was the fact that Subaru had once again managed to steal all attention from you. How were you supposed to make a lasting impact on people if all they paid attention to was Subaru's antics? All they would remember was that you were with Subaru, so they wouldn't think any good of you.

"Of course we did. Us knights are prepared for anything," said Julius in response to Subaru. "Now, why do you claim that you are a knight? Do you have resolve that matches ours? Do you have strength that can prove helpful to others? What about you makes you a knight?"

"W-well, I want to make Emilia the next ruler. No, I will do it. I will do anything for her!" exclaimed Subaru. 

"But do you have the resolve to do it? Do you have the strength to do it?" jeered Julius. 

"I don't have anything as grand as resolve, and I'm well aware that I lack strength, but I will make Emilia the ruler of this land! I will make her wish come true!" 

During this exchange, you thought about what Julius said. 

Do I have resolve? Do I have strength?

I certainly don't have strength, but I can work on improving it. Now, what is my resolve? I know that I want to help Rem, but why am I staying with these other people? 

All that they will bring me is more suffering, so why am I helping them? I can just stay away from them and do whatever I want. I can finally live a happy life, so what am I doing here?

You blanked out as you questioned yourself, and only came back to reality when you noticed that everybody was staring at you.

Oh shoot. I hate it when somebody asks me something and I don't hear it.

Seeing that you didn't hear his question, Julius asked you once more. "Sir, do you see yourself as a knight? Do you see Subaru as a knight?"

You gulp. You saw Subaru's pleading gaze, but something inside of you snapped. "No. We are both virtually useless when compared to you knights. Why Subaru thinks that he is a knight, I have no idea. He is weak, and he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything if it weren't for the many people who constantly help him." Quietly, you added, "And the same goes for me."

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now