Night of Fire

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That night, you warily left the two maids to go to your room. The next time you saw them, it would only be a half a day before Elsa and that other girl came to attack the mansion.

With that said, you had experience fighting the two of them. It was mostly in your memories, but it still made you feel a little more confident knowing that you've gone against the enemy several times already. Oh yeah, and there's a Witch who just happens to be the smartest person in this world, and you have a contract with her.

(A/N: It's true. Echidna actually has the highest IQ out of all of the characters in Re:Zero.)

'That is quite flattering, but you still have apprehensions, do you not?'

'Of course I do. Those two have killed me a lot! They might not have done that in this loop, but I still remember it, so I can't help but be a little afraid of dying. My regeneration...'

'Shhh. Do not worry. We have a plan, so trust in your abilities and my decisions. You can do it.'

'Um... you say to trust in your decisions, but haven't you changed your plans quite a few times?'

'Tsk. When I gain more knowledge, I am able to create better strategies. This situation is not favorable at all, and I am adjusting the plan to the shifting conditions. It is not my fault that a fool decided to send two formidable assassins here, where resources and allies are limited.'

'But you gave him the Gospel, and that's what he's following...'

'I did no such thing.' Echidna paused, then corrected herself. 'To be more precise, I am not the same Echidna who gave the boy his Gospel.'

'What?! How does that work? Are you not the soul of Echidna?'

'I am. But I am the part of her soul that she split from herself in case she died before she could perfect soul transcription.'

'Can you dumb that down please? I'm having some technical difficulties up there.'

Echidna chuckled. 'Forgive me. In simpler terms, I am the soul of Echidna several years before she died. When she failed to take over another body, the other part of her soul left this world as all other souls do. So the body in her graveyard is her body, but this soul is Echidna in her younger years.'

'So, how do you know everything that she did after she split you from herself?'

'(Y/N), I am beginning to believe that you cannot think for yourself. But of course, I will help satisfy your greed! I know everything that happened to her because I was able to access the memories of those who founded the Sanctuary, as it is now called.'

'Oh. That makes sense.'

'Of course it does, it is the truth. Now, I do believe that I told you that I would inform you of the reason that the clown is so devoted to myself.'

'To be honest, I forgot about that, but go ahead. It'll take me another minute or two to get to my room. And I'm not lost this time, so don't crack a joke about that.'

'Very well. My other self, as I will call her from now on, helped young Roswaal, who was suffering because of his excess mana. From his perspective, she kissed him passionately, and he was fully devoted to her ever since. The end.'

'Wait, what? A passionate kiss?'

'Yes. She merely inserted her tongue into his mouth and drained the excess mana out  of his body, but the young boy could not understand that my other self had no interest in him whatsoever.'

Re:Zero Male InsertМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя