Exploring the Town

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Oh my goodness, that's Subaru from Re:Zero! This must mean that I've been transported to this world with him! 

Wait... how would that work? If he's a fictional character, and he's from another world that's not mine... am I from a parallel Earth?

Well, I don't know so I'm going to save myself a headache and stop trying to wrap this around my head.

After some internal dialogue, you walk up to Subaru, who is also disappointed in his lack of magic. 

Just wait until he unlocks his ability. He'll wish that he couldn't use magic after he dies a few times.

"Hey, this may sound weird, but do you happen to come from Japan? I can see that you have a tracksuit on, and it doesn't look like people from this place wear those."

You decide not to tell him about everything that you already know. He doesn't need to know that he is a fictional character because it would just make his mental state even worse later on.

I can't even imagine what I would do if someone just came up to me and told me that I was a fictional character, and that all of my actions have already been thought out.

Subaru looked up, eyes wide in shock. "Wait. You know about Japan? I'm not the only one that got summoned to this fantasy world?"

"Nope. I also come from Japan." Well, this was true, but you didn't mention that your Japan and his Japan were two completely different things.

"Cool. Now let's go explore town. The cute girl that summoned us awaits!"

That's it?! He just learned that there is another person like him, but all he cares about is finding some girl that may or may not have summoned him?

Well, I can't judge him. If I didn't know about this world, I would've searched for some hot girl and make her fall for me, since that always happens to an isekai MC. 

"Okay, let's go!" You reply. 

"Oh wait, what's your name?" Subaru asks this, and doesn't even to introduce himself first. How rude.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). What's yours?" Of course, you already know his name, but Subaru doesn't know that you know.

He does his weird pose thing, and says, "My name is Natsuki Subaru, but you can call me Subaru!"

"Okay, just stop doing that weird pose. People are staring." And indeed, Subaru's antics have caused several people, including the knights, to stare at the two of you.

"Jeez. I'm just trying to get a good first impression. Let me have my fun!" Subaru whined, but I'd rather not be the center of public attention in the first few minutes of arriving here.

"Ok, fine. Lets go already. The faster we get going, the faster we find that lady!" This was partially meant to urge Subaru to get going, but you also want to meet Emilia.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go that way!" Subaru just started running in a random direction.

You sigh, and follow him.

The first place that you go to is the Appa stand. 

"Hey boys, those are some weird looking clothes that you're wearing. You're not from around here, are ya?"

Hey, its Mr. Save Point Guy! I'm looking forward to seeing him again, if we follow the Re:Zero plot.

Anyway, I look down at my clothes, which were the ones that I typically wore. Sure, these aren't normal around here, but at least I don't stand out as much as Subaru, whose white and orange tracksuit stuck out from the crowd.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now