A New Phase Begins

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All of the villagers came rushing out of the graveyard, shouting exclamatory remarks. At the same time, Roswaal just sat on the ground, looking into the sky with a lost expression.

It was only when a weak Ram opened her eyes and cupped his cheek that Roswaal finally showed a change. He broke into tears and held onto Ram, who smiled faintly at this.

Subaru began to praise Beatrice for her work, and it made Emilia happy to watch the dynamic between them.

While all of this was going on, nobody paid attention to the field in front of them. So nobody noticed the last rabbit .

It was only when it began to twitch, squirting its blood around it, that somebody saw it.

You stumbled off of Patrasche, grabbed the rabbit by its neck, and squeezed. There was a loud crack, and it stopped moving. 

You then collapsed weakly into the snow. Most of your burns had healed, but there were still some remaining, along with bone fractures and bleeding. 

The cold snow felt nice on your body, but it caused your injuries to feel like they were burning at the same time. 

Now, you didn't have much strength left after exerting yourself to crush the last rabbit, so you were lucky that Otto was with you.

After they carried your body to Otto, Garfiel, Elsa, and Meili had decided that you should be taken to the Sanctuary as soon as possible so that your wounds could be healed. Garfiel could use healing magic, but he was also exhausted after fighting countless mabeasts, so he was only able to heal you enough so that you wouldn't die, as your regeneration was so slow now that it couldn't stop all of your bleeding. He then sent you off with Otto and Patrasche. The dragon carriage had been left behind, but Frederica could take care of it for now.

So now, Otto picked you up while looking pale. He just saw you squeeze a rabbit to death, and it was disturbing.

"Don't... judge. That thing... would have eaten us all alive. So I killed it." You were gasping as you tried to breathe because the combination of injuries and the sharpness of the freezing air made it painful to take air in.

Otto gulped, and helped you limp over to where everyone else was now celebrating. Subaru was in the middle of swinging Beatrice around in the air when he saw you.

"(Y/N)! What in the world happened to you?! Someone, go heal him now!" He put Beatrice down and pointed to you.

There was a collective gasp as everybody saw the excess of dried blood on your body and the burns that still remained. Since most of your clothes had been burned away in the fire, you adorned part of Otto's cloak, but it didn't conceal your condition whatsoever.

Emilia covered her mouth as she gasped, and she ran down to where Otto was still helping you walk.

"(Y/N)! Stop moving! I don't know why you aren't regenerating, but you shouldn't be walking! You are seriously injured!"

Otto stopped where he was, and looked at you.

You gave him a nod, and you stopped as well. You weren't a medical expert, but you knew that you were in a bad condition. The pain attested to that.

Emilia gasped again when she saw what was in your hand.

You had carried the dead rabbit with you without realizing it.

"(Y/N)! Why are you holding that?! How did you find that?! I thought all of the rabbits were gone!" Emilia began to look around to see if there were any more rabbits around, but Otto shook his head.

"Actually, this one was injured, but (Y/N) killed it when he saw it. Am I correct to say that this is, or used to be, the Great Rabbit?" Otto explained what happened while also asking a question.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now