A Curse

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"Wait, what?!" This surprises you. You hadn't really heard of Yang magic, or even seen it in action yet in the anime, so you had no idea about what it was.

I take back everything that I said about light novel readers. Sure, they may be pricks when it comes to spoilers, but I would give anything to know what they know right about now.

"Actually, those are really rare affinities," said Puck. "In addition to the four main categories, there are two bonus ones: Yin and Yang."

"With Yin, or shadow magic, you can obstruct an opponent's vision, block sound, slow people's movements, and do other things like that." 

Subaru sulks. "So, I'm just that one weak guy that can't deal damage, but uses debuffs against his enemies..."

"And Yang, or light magic, is just the opposite. You can use it to create light and strengthen others."

This was kind of expected, since Yang is the opposite of Yin, but you still sigh. "Are there any good attack spells that I can use? I can't really fight as I am right now, so I should probably learn  some magic."

Puck nervously chuckled. "About that... I don't know if anybody at this mansion can teach you Yang magic. Roswaal has an affinity for it, but I have never seen him use it. You'll just have to ask him."

You weren't looking forward to having this discussion with the clown man, but it was something that you had to do. 

"On the other hand, I can show Subaru some Yin magic. This is an easy one called Shamac!" 

"Puck-" Emilia wanted to say something, but it was cut off as Puck casted the spell. 

Everything suddenly went dark, and you couldn't hear anything. You felt a sense of déjà vu, but you couldn't place when or where it was that you've experienced this before.

After a short time, the darkness cleared, and you regained your senses.

"So, what do you think?" Puck asked with a grin.

"That's so cool!" said Subaru.

"Are you alright?" Emilia came up to you and Subaru, making sure that you two weren't injured.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine!" he said to Emilia. "I like it. It's not too flashy, but it seems really effective!" he directed this to Puck, who seemed pleased.

"Do you want to try it out?" Puck asked Subaru.

He considered it, then accepted. "Yes! Please help me Master Puck!"

Puck waved you and Emilia away. "You two should stand back in case he blows up." You smile. Seeing Subaru blow up would make your day a lot better, and according to what he said to you earlier, he has already done so.

You back away, so you don't hear what Puck says to Subaru. All you see is Subaru close his eyes and concentrate. You see a little burst of black come out, and then Subaru slumped to the ground.

Seeing that no more spells would be cast, you walk back towards Subaru.

He looked exhausted, but he had a smile on his face. 

"It seems like your gate is not well used, so you don't have good control over it. (Y/N), if you're like Subaru, you will probably end up losing control of a spell the first few times that you try to cast one." Puck went to you and patted your back.

"Don't despair. You'll get the hang of it." He looked back as Emilia gave Subaru a strange looking fruit. As soon as he ate it, he sat straight up, and looked energized. 

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