New Allies

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'WHAT?!' you mentally exclaimed. After hearing that both of the girls that had been traveling with Omega were now dead, you couldn't hide your shock, and somebody took notice.

"Ara~ Why are you so distressed, (Y/N)?" Elsa inquired with a lick of her lips.

You turned toward Elsa, who was sitting across the table. Everybody suddenly hushed as they heard the Bowel Hunter claim that you were not at ease.

Quickly, after a dry gulp, you came up with a lie to tell to the curious faces. "Only Subaru will understand this, but I just realized that I was never able to delete my search history before I got here."

Subaru nearly fainted after hearing this. "NOOOO! I didn't delete mine either! As a shut-in, there wasn't much diversity in my activities, so I did some things that I totally regret! Why, cruel world?! Why didn't you give me a warning?! Somebody, somewhere, might see my search history and think that I was a freak! (Y/N), this is bad!"

You sighed in relief as the rest of the table looked between you and Subaru with confusion.

"Th' h'll is'a search his'try?" Garfiel asked. "I ain't understandin' tha' word."

"That's exactly how I feel when you talk..." Subaru mumbled. "But like (Y/N) said, only I know what a search history is, and the rest of you don't ever need to find out what one is."

"Yes," Echidna declared. "We have no need to linger on this topic. Now, as the game has ended, it is time for us to return to the 'real world'."

Emilia looked disappointed, which most likely stemmed from the fact that she expected to meet the other Witches while in the Castle of Dreams. 

Otto sighed. "To be honest, this is the most fun I've had in a long time. Now, I have to go back to all of that paperwork... Perhaps we can play again in the future."

Echidna donned a smile and replied, "Of course. Time flows separately in here than the time of your world, so only moments pass as we play this game. I suggest that we begin a campaign in which we play once biweekly. While having fun and loosely preparing for unexpected situations is important, I must not distract any of you with this entertainment."

Subaru seemed confused by Echidna's reply, but he shrugged his shoulders. "That sounds good. Now, I don't know how we got here because we closed our eyes, but do your thing and bring us back. Once we're out of here, (Y/N) and I need to look at an application for The Crusaders that came in yesterday."

Otto grimaced. "You'll be surprised when you see who sent it," he commented. 

Subaru looked intrigued. "Who-"

His words were cut off as he ceased to exist.

Everybody except for you had been returned to the real world, so Echidna was the only company left.

"(Y/N), we will continue that discussion at a more appropriate time. For now, review that application. We need to recruit as many allies as possible, as Pandora seems to be taking action against us. It is no coincidence that Colette and Palmyra died the same day that Lust attacked us. With that said, we must be weary of those who interject themselves into our midst. Be careful."

Echidna slipped deep into thought as you nodded your head, and the Castle of Dreams warped back into reality.

At the moment you became conscious of the world change, you pulled the pendant back under your shirt. Everybody except for Omega was uncomfortable because of their unfamiliarity with this change, so they did not notice this action.

"You know," Meili thought out loud as she looked around, "we played the game for so long that I forgot that you look different here," she said to Omega.

Re:Zero Male InsertWhere stories live. Discover now