2. Party

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Sexy Draco👆

"WHAT THE HELL DRACO?" Pansy screamed as soon as she entered his office without bothering to knock on the door.

Draco glared at her then turned back to his colleagues and end the meetings. His colleagues bid their farewell and walked out of the office.

"Pansy, did you ever heard about knocking on the door before entering?" Draco gritted his teeth in anger.

"I heard that and did it also. But I don't have any time to do it when you have been ignoring me from last 2 weeks!! What the hell is going on?" Pansy screamed at him. It never happened before. If Draco had any problem or wanted to stay away, he always warned her instead of ignoring her.

Draco rubbed his forehead in frustration. He had bags under his eyes. He had been ignoring everyone around him, not only her. He didn't even went to meet his parents.

"I don't know. I don't know." Draco covered his face with his hands and sighed.

"Hey, what's going on? Tell me. Maybe I can help." Pansy pulled out a chair and sit besides him then started to make circles on his back to relax him.

"I really don't know. It's really fucked up. It never happened something like that before."

"Ok. I'm here. Now tell me baby."

"Did you remember that when we went to the club and you left me?"

"Yeah." She nodded then tried to figure out where their conversation was going on.

"I was watching a guy pole dancer. After watching him for a long time I decided to approach him. That guy gave a little show and intensely I wanted to bang him or maybe more." Draco smiled a little as he recalled that time when theirs eyes met.

"But as soon as the music stopped, he went to the other side of the stage. I tried to call him but he didn't stopped. I tried to follow him but suddenly some bouncers came forward out of nowhere and prevent me from going inside to the other side of the club. I-I tried to approach him but those bouncers didn't let me." Draco told her about that night incident with gloomy face. He wanted to beat those bouncers.

"Ok... then what?" Pansy was confused.

"Pansy, I have an itch to meet him again but I can't do that."

Pansy blew a breath, "Just go and meet him. It's not too hard to do. Just get ready. We could go there now." Draco glared at her.

"If it's that easy then don't you think that I would do that long ago."

"Oh yeah. Then what's the problem?" Draco sighed at her question.

"Pansy, that guy stopped coming there after that night. I have been going there from last 2 weeks but I never saw him again. It was always another guy with same makeup but not him. And I want to meet him!" Draco cleared her all doubts and put his head on the table and took a deep breath.

"Jeeezzz then why don't you tell me before?" Pansy smacked the back of his head hard.

"OUCH! stop it! And what would happened if I told you about it before?" Draco glared at her and rub the back of his head.

"I don't. Blaise could help you."

Draco gave her confused look and asked, "Who is he?"

"My boyfriend." Pansy shrugged.

Draco turned to her and gave her his full attention, "From when?"

"From 2 weeks."

"2 WEEKS!" Draco yelled and stood up in shock. He wondered about How much he missed.

Green Eyes (Drarry fanfic) ✔  *Unedited*Where stories live. Discover now