15. Sudden visit

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Frustrated yet sexy Draco (👆👆)

We need to talk. I'll be waiting for you at ITALIANO restaurant by the side of your office. Be there at sharp 5pm. Draco re-read the message nth time while sitting inside the restaurant. He had been waiting at the given address before 5 pm. He was too anxious to meet her. He sighed as his wrist watch, showed 5:10pm.

'You're the one, supposed to be waiting for me!' Draco yelled in his mind as the feeling of something big going to be happened, creep in his mind. He didn't understand that why she texted him to meet here, in private. They never met alone and the sudden message from her was not a good sign either. He turned ON the screen of his phone and scrolled though the contacts list then stopped at her number. He wanted to call her, to know about her whereabouts but still trying to stay calm. He knew that once she arrived here, he would be too nervous. Of cause, he was a tough man but something about her, makes him nervous.

He looked back at the phone screen and decided to call her. Just as his right thumb swiped over call icon, the restaurant's door opened and came inside the culprit of his anxious.

Draco watched her closely, observing her. She was indeed a beautiful young lady. Anyone could fight to have her. But today, she was looking different. The normal and carefree smile on her face was no more there, her face was full of seriousness as her brown eyes hard to read. She looked around to find him. As her eyes found her target, she walked in his direction without changing her face expression.

With a business smile on his handsome face, Draco stood up as she approached his table," Hello miss. Granger."

Hermoine gave him a tight smile while greeting him back," Hello Mr. Malfoy. Sorry for being late. Stuck in an urgent work."

Draco nodded in response as she took a seat across him. He knew that Hermoine was busy because of their new project and might be wanted to discuss about it. But again, why would she called him here to meet in private? And the fact that Harry met her in the morning was enough to clear his doubt about this sudden meeting. He didn't have any doubts about her intelligence but how she found out about them, was a big question for him.

"Would you like something to drink?" Draco asked while signaling a waiter to come forward.

"Yes sir." The waiter asked, looking at Hermoine with lust filled eyes.

"Just orange juice for me." Hermoine said without moving her gaze from Draco's eyes.

"Same." The waiter nodded and with a last glance at Hermoine, he walked away. Draco smiled initially as Hermoine didn't give a glance to that stupid waiter. He was happy that she was not a player type and a perfect one for Ron.

Draco leaned forward while placing both of his hands on the table and asked," So, why you want to meet me here? It's not like a business meeting. "

Hermoine smiled," Yes, it is not a business meeting and I hope you know the real reason of our meeting." Hermoine forced on 'Meeting' word. She was looking calm from outside but even a blind person could see that she was not that calm from inside. Since she saw them eating each other's mouth, she had many questions. She got answers from Harry and now it's Draco's turn.

Draco shrugged," I don't know. You have to be specific about OUR MEETING."

If it's other occasion then Draco would laugh at Hermoine's glaring eyes and scowling face but not now, when she was looking like a wounded lioness," Ok then. I came here to know about your true intentions for Harry."

Draco gussed that it might be related to Harry but how did she know about them? Did Harry tell her about them?," I don't have any evil intentions towards him."

Green Eyes (Drarry fanfic) ✔  *Unedited*Where stories live. Discover now