8. Vitamin U

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"Do you have to do something?" Draco asked as he finished the soup.

Harry looked up from his soup bowl and shake his head," No. Why?"

Draco smiled then wiped his mouth with a table towel," So are you going to stay?"

Harry coughed as a piece of chicken stuck in his throat. Draco approached him with a glass of water and give it to him while rubbing his back up and down," Are you ok?"

Harry drank the water and put down the empty glass beside his soup bowl," Yeah. I'm ok."

"So, Are you going to stay?" Draco asked again. Harry wanted to say no but his heart wanted him to stay. He sat there with sealed lips without saying any word, initially fighting with himself.

Draco stood besides him for some time then moved back to his seat. He didn't want to pressurise Harry. Harry's silence was his answer. "Ok. Let me clean the dishes."

Draco snaped his head sharply at Harry and smile," Yeah. Sure. Let me help you."

Draco was about to stand up but Harry stopped him," No. You just go upstairs and wait there. I'll be there in few minutes."

"But I want to help you."

"No. Just go." Harry gave him a smile then turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Draco sat there for few minutes, watching Harry cleaning the dishes and kitchen. Then went to his room. He made the bed and lay down on his side while waiting for Harry.

Outside, Harry blew a breath which he had been stopped from a long time. What the hell is wrong with me?! He asked himself with a whine then started cleaning the kitchen, slowly. He didn't want to go inside the room while Draco was still awake. He waited for long enough to make sure that Draco might be sleeping before going there. He spent one more hour in the kitchen then cleaned his hands. After doing all of the unnecessary things, he closed the doors and windows then walked upto Draco's room.

As he entered the room, he greeted by soft snores of Draco, indicating that he was sleeping. Harry took a deep breath then turned around and locked the door behind him. As he walked towards the bed, his eyes never left Draco's sleeping face. He was really confused at himself for the fact that why he enjoyed Draco's company and kisses.

Soon he found himself sitting by Draco. He was so lost in watching him that he didn't realized that when he started to cherish his face and rubbing his cheeks.

Draco was sleeping when a soft touch on his face, wake him up and he opened his eyes. Draco gasped to see Harry hovering over his face, like he wanted to kiss him.

The small sound pulled Harry out of his thoughts and he blushed in embarrassment. "Umm. I-i.." Harry tried to say something nervously as Draco caught him red handed. He didn't know what to say to him.

When Draco noticed that Harry was retreating his hand away from Draco's cheek, he put his hand on it, didn't let him move his hand.

The warm sensation of Draco's hand, burn him up and he whined," please..."

Harry didn't know what he was asking for, to remove Draco's hand or to continue to cherish his cheek.

Draco met his gaze then without breaking their eye-contact, he pulled Harry's hand upto his lips then kiss on it soft.

Harry gulped, gazing his hand being ravished by Draco.

"Harry." Draco whispered his name softly and Harry leaned down without saying a word. Draco didn't stop him or said anything, he let him lean down. He wanted to see what Harry wanted to do. He thought that Harry wanted to kiss him but to his surprise, Harry leaned down and placed his forehead on Draco's forehead.

Green Eyes (Drarry fanfic) ✔  *Unedited*Where stories live. Discover now