25. Healed to be wounded again

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Lily was pacing in the living room when the door bust opened and came in furious Harry. She paused in her trackers then walked towards Harry.

"Harry! What are you doing here?!" Lily asked then looked behind him to see any reports or journalists but to her relief there was none, this also indicates that Harry came here alone. One of the maids, closed the door then locked it carefully. Lily nodded her thanks as all of the servants left them alone. Everyone in the city knew about Harry's and Draco's relationship, and those who know Harry personally, were worried about him including the servants.

"What are you doing here, Harry? You shouldn't be here. What if any journalist or reporter was out there? W__"

"Where is dad, mom?" Harry asked, ignoring her questions. He wanted some answers and James was the one who could answer him. Lily gave him worried glance, she didn't like his tone. It was so cold, almost lifeless.

"In his study. But what happened?" Harry ignored her as he marched towards James's study room. Then without knocking, he entered inside.

"DAD!"  James looked up and for a second, all of Harry's anger vanished. His dad was looking so tired, his eyes were bloodshot and hairs, in all directions.

James's eyes widened to see Harry on the doorsteps. He stood up and approached him. "Harry! What the hell are you doing here? Are you alone? You have to stay at your home. It's not safe son, to be out! You have to be more careful."

"You have known about this from the starting, right?" James tilted his head with narrowed eyes, confused at Harry's question.

"You knew about me and Draco." Harry sneered at him as the blood drained from James's face. He took a step backwards, unable to maintain their gaze. He blinked rapidly, a sign of nervous.



"HARRY!" Lily entered inside and closed the door behind her. She threw daggers in her son's direction for shouting at her husband. "Why are you shouting at him?"

"You used me as a deal, right? You use your own son as an object! You were fully aware of our relationship, his seduction, his plan but still let him do as he pleased just because of this fucking business! I am nothing to you, right Dad?" Harry paused, breathing heavily. He was on the brink of tears but controlling himself. His whole world collapsed down, first someone leaked his and Draco's picture in public, then Draco's poisonous words and now, his father. It was not even a whole day since he confessed his love to Draco. 'How could they use me? What I did to them?' Harry asked himself. Then curled his hands in fists.

"NOW YOU GOT IT! YOUR BUSINESS! NOW YOU'RE TOO SUCCESSFUL, RIGHT? BUT WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME, DAD? TO YOUR OWN CHILD! OR AM I NOT YOU__" Harry stopped and lost his balance a little bit. He rubbed his hand over his cheek which was still stinging from Lily's slap. The whole room dropped in deadly silence. Harry eyebrows were deeply knitted and his mouth slightly ajar in shock. Lily pulled Harry to herself and hugged him, crying over his shoulder for slapping him.

"I am sorry, Harry. I am so sorry." James said as he hugged his family till both mother and son calmed down.

"Nev-er ever say something like that. You're my child, my proud, Harry." Lily said though trembling lips then broke the hug and glared at her husband.

"I have told you to tell him, then why you didn't? See what you did to him!" James's lips sealed in thin line as Harry eyes found Lily's eyes.

"You also knew about this?" Harry asked, shocked. Everyone around him knew about this and he was such a fool to fell into their trap. He closed his eyes and inhale deeply.

Green Eyes (Drarry fanfic) ✔  *Unedited*Where stories live. Discover now