5. First Kiss

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Drarry (kissing🙈)

It had been a week from Harry started to work with his father, learning about how to handle a problem or any troublesome situations. He wanted to learn everything soon.

James was proud to see his son working hard to learn more things related to their business. But somewhere deep down he knew that Harry wanted to impress Draco. He was confused about him. He never thought that his son was a gay or bi or pan but now he was waiting for him to come out of the closet. Because he knew that he would accept him with open arms.

Harry and Draco kept their evening walk continue. They met at their spot every day and spend their time together, talking about each other day or business related things.

When Harry told Draco that he started to work at his father's office, Draco was happy. He told him that he was proud of him and looking forward to work with him officially.

Draco never asked him about that club night, he didn't want to embarrass him. He was happy that Harry spend his evenings with him. Draco wanted to kiss him every time they met but he didn't want to scare the other person. He knew that Harry would stay in his life for too a long.

For Harry, he didn't know what's wrong with him. For his whole life, he had been straight but now, Draco made him question his sexuality. He knew that it's wrong but his heart has it's own mind. He was a dominant in bed but when it came to Draco, he acted like a submissive. He wanted to see him more than once a day and always looking forward for the evening.


"Hey!! What are you doing here? it's time." Ron shouted as soon as he entered Draco's office.

Draco looked at his table watch then jumped up on his feet and fastly, closed the file and shut down his laptop. "Thanks Ron."

"It's ok. Now go. I'll close everything." Ron assured him as Draco ran out of the office.

Draco had been busy with his new project and forgot the time. He sat in his car and hit the speed. He looked outside at the weather and cursed. The clouds were black and growling in anger. He checked the time and speed up. Suddenly the water started to pour down from the clouds and rain started.

"Oh God. Please, not now." Draco was worried as he saw rain getting more heavily.

He took the phone and open his contacts," Fuck! Why I never asked for his phone number?"

After breaking lots of traffic rules, he reached at his apartment but didn't pulled over there. He kept driving to the entrance of the beach.

Draco hit the break then open his car's door and stepped down.

"HARRY?!" Draco screamed his name as he looked around but because of rain he couldn't see clear to the distance. He ran towards their meeting spot but it was empty. He looked at watch, he was late by an hour.

"FUCK!" Draco walked around, searching for that familiar face but couldn't find it.

He felt foolish for not getting here before. He was waiting to meet him but when the time came,he forget.

Draco sighed as he sat down on their usually seat, letting the rain wet him fully. He was sitting there with his head down when a pair of foot appeared in his vision and the rain stopped pouring over his head.

Draco moved his gaze up to see the interloper. His dull eyes shined to see green eyed man standing before him with an umbrella in his hand while looking at Draco, smirking.

Harry moved forward," Are you looking for someone, Ssiirr?" Harry purred in sexy way, making Draco shock.

He looked at Draco smiling then suddenly sealed his lips when Draco launched himself on Harry and knock them down on the sludgy surface.

Green Eyes (Drarry fanfic) ✔  *Unedited*Where stories live. Discover now