Chapter Thirty-Three: Melody of a Tranquil Heart

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As I opened my eyes, the faint light of the sun spilled through the window, the sky was painted in a beautiful ombré of bluish-pink hues. A sense of relief washed over me at the realization that it was barely sunrise, providing me with ample time to discreetly leave Erwin's room before prying eyes could catch a glimpse. The last thing I needed was the anyone seeing me.

A quiet gasp escaped me as I felt something on top of my head. Remembering the events of the previous night, I cautiously looked up without moving, and there he was – Erwin, with his big, strong arms still wrapped around my body, his head resting gently on mine. Faint snores emanated from him, and a smile played on my lips.

Seeing him in such a peaceful state, knowing the genuine love he had for me, filled me with immense happiness. Yet, an undercurrent of guilt wove through my me. Erwin was perfect – sweet, caring, kind, strong, handsome – and he always made me feel safe.

Yet, my thoughts turned to Levi, a parallel figure of perfection in his own right – strong, stubborn, handsome, and caring. The duality of emotions tugged at my heart, leaving me caught between the undeniable warmth Erwin provided and the lingering presence of feelings for Levi. The complexities of my heart were almost too much to bare.

I feel terrible. How selfish I am. I want Erwin, but I want Levi. I don't even know how Levi feels which arguably makes it worse. I'll always be grateful to these two for showing me what love is even if I am still unsure if it is in fact love I'm feeling.

I gently moved my hand atop his chest, my fingers lightly tracing the steady beat of his heart. The comforting rhythm, accompanied by the scent of rosemary and lavender, wafting in a smoky blend, created an intoxicating aroma. It was an unexpected fragrance, but undeniably pleasant.

With each thump of his heart, I felt a sense of relief and happiness envelope me. Happiness not just because he was alive, but because he was breathing which is something so simple yet so rare for me to experience lately.

I felt a slight shift in movement from Erwin and a surprised kiss was planted on my forehead. I tried to move to look up, but Erwin wouldn't release his grasp. "Good morning Captain l/n" he teased.

I gave in and sunk back into Erwins arms with a defeated sigh. "Good morning Commander Smith"

Erwin chuckled and let out a yawn. "It's too early, go back to sleep."

"Erwin you're usually always up at this time. It's sunrise. Come on." I said. Erwin sighed and gently released his hold on me. Sitting up on the bed, I stretched out my limbs, feeling the satisfying pull of muscles. Surprisingly, I realized that I had slept quite well, all things considered.

As I stood up and started making my way to the door, a large shadow suddenly loomed over me. Before I could reach the doorknob, a strong hand grasped my upper body, gently pulling me backwards into a warm and protective embrace. A soft whisper brushed against my ear, "Don't go." he said.

In that moment, the most formidable and commanding presence of humanities greatest leader seemed to dissolve, leaving behind vulnerability. His whispered plea created a tender intimacy, and I found myself caught in the currents of emotion that surged the space between us.

"Erwin I need to go get changed. I can't walk around in a night gown."

Erwin gave a defeated sigh. "Very well- but allow me to walk you to your room at least." he added.

I nodded and together we left the comfort of Erwins room. We walked through empty halls, taking turns left and right as we navigated the large building.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now