Chapter Eight: A Celebration To Remember

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"Take a good look at all your fellow classmates. These 10 are the elites" standing at the front on the podium was Mikasa ranked number one, Reiner number two, Bertolt number three, Annie number four, Eren number five, Marco number six, Jean number seven, Connie number eight, Sasha number nine, and Krista number 10.

It's crazy to think how quickly these 3 years had gone by. Erwin told me if it wasn't for the fact that I was being trained by Levi that I most likely would have made the top 10 as well. I'm honestly fine with it though. I was proud of my friends and how far they'd come.

After Shadis announced everyone, Erwin went on to the platform to give his regular "for humanity!" Speech. As Erwin was talking about the different regiments to join, Levi snuck to the left of me.

"You're finally ready to join the scouts. How are you feeling?" He asked.

I thought about my answer for a moment. "I'm glad to be staying in the survey corps of course. I won't be separated from my friends." I replied.

"I had a feeling you would say that. Erwin has already set you up with a position on my squad. You know what that means, correct?" he asked.

I sighed, "No slacking off." I repeated the words he had told me daily for the past three years. Just then the crowd erupted in cheers and Erwin finished his speech.

"Shit, did you catch any of that?" I asked Levi.

"Not a single thing."

As everyone began splitting up Eren came up to me with a huge smile on his face. "Y/n!"

"Hey, Eren"

"I owe you one. You're the reason I was able to make top 10. Thank you for all your help in training" he pulled me in for a tight hug.

I pulled out of his embrace to look at him. In the past 3 years he's grown taller. He's still stubborn as hell, but he has the biggest heart. "That's what friends are for" I smiled.

"Y/n will you be joining us to celebrate tomorrow?" Mikasa asked. It took a while for the two of us to become close, but it's like I have a sister now and it's honestly pretty great.

"Yeah, of course" I gave a gentle smile and she returned it with one of her own.

"Y/n!" I turned around to have Reiner also pull me into a tight hug.

"Hey Reiner" I greeted.

"I made top 3< aren't you impressed?" He boasted, proudly pushing his chest out and flexing one of his biceps like the meathead he is.

"Of course blondie".

"Great, well since I'm such a hot shot you have to marry me now!" He joked.


"Since I'm so great and your so great, can you imagine how great our children would be?" He asked. At this point I couldn't tell if he was joking.

"I don't even know what to say to that"

"It's fine you'll fall hard for me soon enough, of course" he winked.

"Jeez, you sound like Jean" Eren grumbled.

Just then coincidentally, Jean and Marco came over. I grew a lot closer to the two of them as well.

"Hey guys!" Marco smiled. "Hey Marco" I greeted.

"Congrats on getting top ten."

"Thanks y/n!" He smiled and gave me a hug too. So much hugging. 

"What do you guys plan on joining?" Eren asked. I plan on going to the military police. Only the best!" Jean said cheerfully.

"I'm going to be sticking with the survey corps" I responded.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now