Chapter Thirteen: Who Let You Go?

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Y/n's POV

I stood up and took a moment to stretch my limbs. I felt better after having a drink. My body felt loose and relaxed, it was just what I needed. "I think I'm going to head back to the horses now." I said, standing up from the table and leaving a few coins on the counter.

"I think it's time we leave as well" Erwin and Levi stood up and paid for their drinks.

"It was great seeing you again, Maria." Erwin smiled softly, for some reason it irritated me. it made me want to look away whenever he did that. 

"You too, old friend"


The ride back to the base was awkward to say the least. The events from earlier replayed in my head. I mindlessly fiddled with the pendent around my neck, the moonlight hit the jewel at just the right angle causing it to sparkle brilliantly. I caught myself smiling as I watched the reflections on the gem. I looked up to see Levi looking at me, I felt flushed and hot under his gaze, I was embarrassed so I looked away.

"Eren will be waiting for us at the training base, this way you both can quickly grab your things and we can take you to the new base where the rest of team Levi are already waiting." Erwin began.

I stayed silent, earning a worried glance from the Commander. "What's on your mind?" He asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine"

Erwin sighed. "I've known you a while now, do you think I don't notice when something is going on with you?"

"I'm just worried about him"


"He's my friend, it's just crazy, you know? He lost his parents, his friends, comrades, and now he has to deal with being government property, a weapon of war. I can't help but feel worried for him" I said.

"I'm sure that brat will be just fine y/n. He's a stubborn bastard that's for sure, but we promised to take care of him back in that courthouse, I don't plan on breaking it, do you?" Levis words of reassurance made me feel better. It was nice knowing the strongest person I knew was going to help me and have Eren's back too.

I still had my doubts. "Yeah, I know, but how much do you think he can take?" 

Neither of them responded. After a few moments of awkward silence I thought it best to change the subject, using this as my opportunity to get information from the commander about his past.

"So Commander, who is Maria to you?" I asked. 

He gazed over his should at me. "She's an old friend."

I wondered how much further I could push. "Do you love her?" 

"No." Erwin paused. "Not anymore."

"So you used to love her?" I asked, a weird feeling crawled its way up into my chest, I wasn't sure what it was. Jealousy? Resentment? Confusion? Curiosity? I couldn't understand the way Erwins confession made me feel and what was even harder to grasp is why I felt anything about it at all.

"I met her at that very same tavern... she was still a waitress and I was close friends with her now husband, we decided to go out to the tavern one day, mind you, this was when I was still a cadet. I cant tell you the exact moment my friend and I realized we had feelings for her, we both loved with her, but he was willing to stay for her and change his station, while I was not. Long story short, they married, had kids and he joined the Garrison to stay close to her." He finished.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now