Chapter Fifteen: True Friends Abandon Their Posts For Eachother

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"It's sunrise now." Levi watched the clock on the wall tick. He had stayed the whole night with me, making sure Eren didn't move and I wasn't alone. I knew Levi cared. He may not say it out loud, but he had his own way of showing it.

I looked over at Eren still sound asleep holding onto me. I didn't want to wake him up. He had barely gotten a chance to rest, I'd feel guilty ruining what little peace he may have been getting from his dreams. 

"Do we have to wake him?" I asked Levi.


"He looks peaceful, like a child. He looks as though the world had never done him wrong. " I said.

Levi didn't say anything. All he did was look at me his expression soft and his eyes tired.

"You look like hell" I said, gesturing at the skin beneath my eyes. He rolled his and stood up.

"Wake him up. The squad, Hange, and I will meet you both outside in the field." He opened the cellar, leaving it open and walking down the hallway, leaving Eren and I alone.

"Eren." I said gently shaking him until his eyes opened.

He rubbed his eyes. "Is it morning already? i'm surprised I was able to get sleep."

"Yeah. you also snore." I teased

"I do not." Eren said as his face quickly turned a dark red.

"Don't be embarrassed, I'm just glad you got sleep. Get ready, Levi and Hange are waiting." I stood up and made my way out of the room. I looked back at Eren who had already stood up and thrown off his shirt. 

"Hey, try your best okay?" I said. Eren nodded and gave me a cheeky smile. "Of course. I wont let you down."

I walked off to my own room. When I opened the door everything was just as is. My bed was still untouched and the room was cold. I changed into clean clothes and threw on my green survey corps cloak. I hastily grabbed my ODM gear and headed outside to meet with the others.


"I'm so screwed" Eren groaned, watching as Hange carried bags full of her 'special' equipment.

"You'll be fine Eren. I'll be there the whole time" 

Eren seemed to calm down a bit, he took a deep breath and his muscles relaxed slightly. 

Hange began giving her instructions on what she wanted done for the day. We all walked quite a ways back as Eren bit into his hand, blood gushed out and into his mouth and his transformation was triggered. Just like the time before, Eren's body was engulfed by a strike of lightning. Flesh and tendons fused together growing rapidly and large until he was fully formed.


"Your turn, y/n." Levi sighed, he was growing annoyed that Eren hadn't managed to get it right yet. I have to admit I was growing tired of it myself. 

I used my gear to launch myself at Eren's nape, cutting him out quickly. 

"Let's take a break" I suggested, pulling Eren's heavy limp body onto the ground below. His titan was evaporating quickly and the steam that emitted from it was becoming almost unbearable to be stuck in the more he shifted and the more he had to be cut out.

"Oh, come on! We just started!" Hange groaned.

"That was the thirteenth time, Hange" I said irritably. 

Hange pouted and shrugged, disappointment was evident on her face and it reminded me of the same way a child  would get when his mother said no to giving them sweets. "Fine."

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now