Chapter Twenty-Three: We May Lose A Few To Save Thousands Part 1

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"Y/n! There you are. We've been looking everywhere for you." Reiner walked over to me and put his large hand on the top of my head.

"Where were you? And why are you in your uniform? Why are you armed? What the hell is going on?" Reiner shot out questions rapidly, making it hard to respond.

"One question at a time Blondie... I was with Erwin and Levi at the capital. I just got back to assist the other squad leaders."

"Assist the squad leaders? With what?"

"Commander Erwin gave me a promotion, I'm a squad captain now. This is just something he asked me to do as a first mission of sorts." I shrugged. Reiner opened his mouth as to question me even further but was interrupted by a noisy Sasha running in between us and jumping into my arms.

"Y/n! I missed you so much! Me and Connie have been so bored. You don't happen to have any food on you, do you?" Sasha looked at me with her sad sparkling eyes practically pleading for me to feed her.

"Sorry Sash, I don't have anything on me right now, but I'm sure ill be able to find something for you" I ruffled her brown hair and gave her a smile. Sasha escorted me to a wooden table where Connie sat with his head in his hand staring boredly out the window. Reiner followed and took a seat by me.

Connie let out a huge sigh as he greeted me. "Hey y/n" he gave a lazy wave and went back to it. The bald boy continued to stare out the window paying no mind to anything. Sasha plopped her head down on the table with a thud and groaned.

"What is wrong with you two?"

Before getting an answer, Sasha gasped and her eyes widened. Sashas body immediately shot up startling Connie and I.

"What's wrong with you now sash?" I groaned. Is she really THAT hungry?

"Uh guys, I think I'm hearing footsteps!" Sasha had a scared expression on her face as everyone turned to face her in confusion.


"Knock it off, Sasha. So what, you're trying to tell us Titans are here?" Reiner rolled his eyes.

"Sasha has incredible senses... maybe we should just hear her out Reiner?" I said looking at Sasha, concerned at what would possibly be rattling her.

"Look I'm not pulling your leg! I hear something!" Sasha stood up and waved her arms around. Before anyone could say anything one of the captains, Nanaba came through the window in a panic.

"Is everyone here?" The blonde women asked.

"What is it, Nanaba?" Krista sat at a table in front of us, accompanied my Ymir. 

"We've got company. Approximately 500 meters to the south and closing. Titans. headed this way. There's no time to suit up with your ODM gear. I want everyone on a horse, stat. Evacuate every home and settlement in the area. Get to it!"

"Right. You heard her, lets go. Move!" I ordered.

Everyone quickly jumped up and b-lined it to the stables. Everyone was able to get a horse and began saddling up as quickly as possible.

"I'm sorry, but lunchtime is going to have to wait!" Nanaba said as she landed on a roof next to Squad leader Miche.

I jumped on my saddled horse waiting for my friends and fellow comrades to get situated.

"Alright everyone. No time to waste. Follow closely behind me until I instruct otherwise!" I ordered. Nervous glances shot between soldiers as they gave me an accepting nod.

Soon enough we were riding as fast as we could in the opposite direction from the Titans.

"Alright here's the plan. The second the Titans reach the woods, we'll split up. I want four separate teams. Recruits and soldiers alike in each unit. When I give the signal we'll scatter in different directions simultaneously. Get the word out to civilians. Do not engage the enemy!" Miche yelled.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now