Chapter Twenty: Different Ways To Say I Love You

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"As you all know we've been summoned to the castle" Erwin sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. I could only imagine the amount of stress he was under after the mission went to shit. The weight of the scout regiment was a burden he was responsible for shouldering.

"The military police have been put in charge of keeping Eren safe while we are out. We leave in two hours. I hope that's enough time for you all to get yourself situated. Wear your uniforms. We'll meet by the stables. And one last thing... you all are in understanding of the plan, correct?"

"Yes, Understood commander." Everyone in the room said in unison before he dismissed us. Everything around here has been so cold. Everyone is traumatized, grieving, and angry. It's been a tough few days for sure. I'm still trying to adjust to how empty all of the rooms I stepped foot in felt. So many casualties in such a short amount of time.

Reiner walked up to me after I was about to turn and leave. "I heard about what happened. You got roughed up pretty badly, huh? How're you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel a lot better. My strength is back and the pain has subsided, what about you?"

"Like shit. I can't believe so many people died. It's crazy ya know?"

I nodded. Reiner glanced around nervously, debating whether or not to say what was on his mind.

"Look I'm sorry about your squad."

"Me too. We lost a lot of good people. I didn't expect things to go south so quickly. I'm glad you made it out okay." I sighed.

"Yeah... me too"

"It's hard to believe one of our own managed to infiltrate the regiment. It sucks to have to be constantly on edge." I looked over at Reiner, gently nudging his shoulder with my fist. "You'd never betray us though, right?"

Reiner shook his head, giving a gentle smile. "Of course not. You're my future wife afterall, what kind of man would I be if I were to do anything to hurt you?"

I rolled my eyes. "God, you sound like Jean."

Reiner chuckled, "Don't compare me to that horse faced pervert."

"I have to go talk to the Commander and Captain Levi. I'll see you in a bit." I said my goodbyes to Reiner and made my way to Levi's office.

I knocked three times on the large wooden door.

"State your name and business." His voice said from behind the door.

"It's me"

"It's open. Come in y/n"

I walked into his office and just as expected, it was spotless. Levi was sitting behind his desk signing some papers.

"I'm glad you came. I was going to come find you. I want to talk with you." Levi put down his pen and waved me over. "Sit."

I did as he said and took a seat across from him. "I wanted to see how you were doing. Did the doctor clear you?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was just a bruised spine and a few bruised ribs. He said I have a moderate concussion that will be healed completely in a few more days. No big deal."

"That's good to hear."

"How are you holding up?... I'm sorry about the squad. I know you cared for them and I know they cared for you too." Levi frowned at the mention of his fallen squad members.

"They were great soldiers. Their sacrifice will not be in vain. They knew they were putting themselves at risk from the start. I know they fought valiantly to the end." Levi looked at me his expression soft. He stood up and made his way over to me. I stood up to face him.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now