Chapter Thirty: Our Land, Their Blood

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All of the horses neighed and groaned as their large bodies made contact with the ground. Their loud hooves leaving behind indents in the earth with every powerful stride. The wind caressed my face with its cold breeze. I was nervous, I believe everyone was. We were about to engage in combat once more with the two titans who caused so much death and pain. We were all betrayed by people we called our comrades and friends; betrayed by the people who bore the same wings of freedom crest on their back. And now we were forced to fight them, fighting the people we went through hell and back with.

I rode at the front with Erwin. His blonde eyebrows were furrowed causing indents to form above his nose. His enchanting blue eyes shone in the bright sun. Erwin shouted out his orders with such confidence and assertiveness in his voice. Erwin was a natural born leader, I've known this fact since the beginning.

"Be on the lookout! All riders assume formation!"

On Erwins command our once large group split up into groups of five and rode out in different directions. I stayed with Erwin and two others. 

"We've got a smoke shell fired from the right wing!" One of the men in our group said.

"We stay the course! Tell the right wing to merge with the center and maintain direction! The shortest path is our only option. Straight ahead. We have until sundown!" Erwin turned his head to look back at me. His blue eyes locked onto my e/c ones. He gave me a smile that was so small I was barely able to even see it, he turned back around turning his focus back to the ride ahead.

There's only one hour left until sunset. We're close I can feel it. My mind was in disarray and it had been that way since yesterday. Everything's been such a shit show lately that I haven't had the time to rest. Nobody has.

Loud booms erupted all around us every few minutes alerting us of where Titans were and whether they were abnormal or not. Red and green smoke signal would fly into the air as the vibrant colored smoke eventually disappearing into the air.

A large boom erupted from one of the groups accompanied by red smoke shooting straight into the air.

"Red smoke signal, sir." I said.

Erwin shot off a green smoke signal, alerting the other squads. At the exact same time as the green signal was sent off 3 more red smoke signals went into the air.

"The hell?" I mumbled.

More and more red signals flew up in the air from all of the squads around us.

"Commander Erwin, we're surrounded!" 

"There is a way around. Should we head towards it?" Another scout from our group asked, pointing in a direction that would take us completely off course. Knowing Erwin he wouldn't want to waste time by taking a detour.

"No. We don't have time for a detour."

Called it.

"We'll forge ahead! Soldiers! Prepare to fight! Erwins loud voice boomed.

"Yes, sir." I said. Good thing this time I prepared extra blades and filled up my gas canisters.

As we neared the large forest where Hanji had predicted Reiner and Bertholt would be, we rendezvoused with the other groups. At the entrance to the large forest we were greeted by a handful of Titans. The Titans charged, scouts ascending into the air in an attempt to fend them off.

Love you always (Levi x Reader x Erwin)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara