Chapter Six: Signs Of The Future

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"Y/n get up!"

I opened my eyes to see a smiling Sasha shaking me awake.

"No, go away..." I groaned, covering my head with the pillow.

"Come on y/n!" Sasha grabbed my arm and attempted to pull me out of bed.

I sat up and let out an exasperated yawn. "ok, ok. I'm up." almost immediately when I sat up my entire body was radiating with pain. Every part of me was achy and stiff.

I tried to ignore the pain as I got moving. It was only after I was standing in my undergarments where I noticed all the bruises that formed from the day previous. Purple and blue bruises formed on my arms, legs, chest and back.

"Great" I said to myself, cursing under my breath.

I got dressed quickly, making sure to be extra careful when sliding everything on.

"Come on y/n" Sasha smiled and waved me over to the door as everyone else began leaving the room. Only Krista and Ymir were left.

"You guys coming?" I asked.

"Nah, we'll stay back for a little longer." Ymir said, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Have a good breakfast y/n!" Krista smiled and sent me off with a little wave.

"Thanks/" I said, flashing the girl a smile before walking out of the room with Sasha.

"Hey if you don't finish your breakfast, can I?" The brunette asked. Her hair was styled into its regular ponytail swinging side to side as she walked.

"Sasha, I always give you my leftovers. What would make this time any different?" I asked, still angry that she woke me up and dragged me out of bed. Though, I suppose I should be grateful that it wasn't by Shadis.

"Great!"  Her mouth was practically watering at the thought of extra food.

As we entered the mess hall everyone had already sat down and began eating. We grabbed our food and headed over to Eren's table. Eren was talking to Armin and Mikasa and the same bald boy from last night.

"That's Connie Springer." Sasha said, already stuffing her mouth before we even got a chance to sit down.

A few tables away was Bertolt, Reiner, and Annie. And one table behind ours was Jean and Marco laughing.

"Hey, y/n" Armin greeted, His sky blue eyes were the first thing I noticed this morning. They seemed to be sparkling today, like he had just found something that lifted his mood.

"Hello armin. What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked.

"Armin always gets like this when he's talking about the ocean" Eren gave a slight smile and shrug.

"What's a 'ocean'?" Sasha asked.

"It's a beautiful giant lake that stretches forever! I read that the water was salty, and filled with a mass amount of species of fish that can't survive in fresh water." Armin said. "I would love to see it someday" he smiled and looked down into his book longly.

The one thing that I learned about Armin rather quickly was that he always spoke eloquently and with a deep passion for anything he found interesting. He and Erwin were alike in this aspect, they always managed to find a way to draw someone in when they spoke about something I'd never heard about. They would be great teachers if they weren't in the survey corps.

"What about you, y/n?" Eren asked.

"What about me?"

"What's your goal being here? Most people don't join this field just because they feel like it. My goal is to eradicate the titans, Armins is to see the ocean, and Mikasa... well she said she'd go where I did." Eren rolled his eyes at the last bit.

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