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On Thursday you came back, after school, to find everyone in the tower running around getting ready for... something. A mission most likely.

Cap was in the kitchen pouring over a STARK industry computer. Tony was typing away on one of his holographic key boards. Nat was finishing putting all her hidden weapons into her black spy suit. Clint was setting up his bow an arrows. And Bruce was looking over some paper files. The only people not in the main living room were Thor and Loki.

"Hey kid." Tony greeted you without even looking away form the holograph screen in front of him. "How was school?"

"Good." You answered him distractedly, letting your eyes wonder over the room of superheroes. It always seamed so so real when the team was getting ready for a mission. It was days like this that you had to remind yourself that you lived in a tower of the worlds mightiest heroes. That your life wasn't normal. "What are you guys preparing for?"

"Remember the Hydra agents you and Loki arrested?" Nat asked you.

"Oh yeah." You remembered. "I forgot about those guys."

"How could you forget about them?" Clint asked in a taunting voice. "They blew up the tower. Tried to kidnap Loki. And you crashed their helicopter in the middle of Central Park!"

"I've kinda been busy Clint." You grumbled at him.

"I'm just saying I wouldn't forget about the people who almost blew me up." Clint laughed.

You just rolled your eyes and shook your head at the assassin. Clint, like the whole team, liked to tease each other. It was harmless and fun, and even though you pretended you didn't like the teasing you would be sad if the team didn't tease you. But you weren't ever going to tell anyone that.

"She's been too busy with worrying over what she's going to wear to her date." Bruce mumbled under his breath, grinning at his papers. He blushed scarlet red when everyone stated laughing at his comment. He didn't intend to be overheard.

"You're all ridiculous." You informed the room of heroes with an exaggerated eye roll. "I'm a teenager. I can afford to worry over the little things in my life. Non of you can tell me you haven't done the same thing when you were my age."

"I never went to a school dance when I was your age." Nat chimed in, placing her newly polished gun in a thigh holster. "But if I did I believe I would have acted very much like our little Hiccup."

"Well, I think it's great that (y/n) can finally act her age." The firm voice of Pepper Potts announced from the elevators. The CEO of STARK industries strutted into the room full of super heroes like she owned the place, clutching a mobile phone in one of her hands and an assortment of files in the other.

You liked Pepper. She was strong, independent, and kind. She also decided to become like a sort of mother character to you while you were away from home. Trying to push you to go out and get some regular high school friends, and act like a regular high school girl. And though you appreciated her concerned for you, you weren't really a social person. You preferred time spent with your dragon above time spent with anyone else.

"Pepper!" Tony greeted his girlfriend, strutting over to her to greet her.

Pepper shoved the phone and files into his hands when he got close to her. "Phil Coulson brought this by my office earlier today." Pepper explained. "Said it was important information about the upcoming mission."

"Coulson's alive?" Cap asked, coming over and taking the paper files from Tony.

"Apparently so." Pepper agreed. "And before you all ask 'how' let me tell you that I don't know. He just came by long enough to give me those files."

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now