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        Loki came down to the living room early the next morning like he always did. He liked having the tower to himself before everyone else woke up. It gave him time to be alone to think or study outside of his room. But when he came down from his room he quickly realized that he was not the first one up this morning.

The glass that was scattered around on the floor from the broken windows was picked up. The chairs, tables, and couches that were tossed about from last night's fight were back to where they were supposed to be. And the pieces of broken junk and unwanted party decorations were all neatly put into garbage bags and placed next to the elevators, ready to go down to the dump.

      "Hey." Loki heard a very familiar voice greet him from the kitchen.

He looked over and saw you and Eclipse at the kitchen's island that was currently covered in plants of all varieties. Flowers, herbs, grasses, leaves, all of it covering to countertop. He watch for a moment as you took some herbs from the countertop and placed them into a rock bowl. Then, once you were satisfied with the contents, you began grinding up the ingredients.

"What are you doing up so early?" Loki asked you. Though he already knew.

"I just wanted to get the jump on cleaning." You told him, gesturing to the living room that was mostly clean. Or, at least as clean as you could get it. There were still burn marks, both from fire and electricity, scorched on the floors and the walls from your's and Thor's fight. The wall of windows that over looked the balcony were no longer there thanks to Eclipse. And some of the furniture was now missing, placed with the garage bags by the elevators, too damaged to salvage.

         "You didn't need to do this love." Loki told you kindly, striding over to the kitchen. "No one blames last night's mishaps on you."

        "No, I know." You told him, making Loki wrinkle his nose at your small lie, but he let it slide, for now. "I just-"

      You were cut off by Eclipse bumping you in the side with a small growl.

    You sighed, rolling your eyes.  "We just wanted to fix the mess we made." You corrected, looking at Eclipse next to you with amusement and a hint of annoyance.

Loki chuckled at that, watching as Eclipse went back to happily watching you grind the plants now that you had included him. "I take it that that was an adequate apology Eclipse?" Loki asked.

"Don't encourage him." You scolded Loki playfully. "He's already somewhat of a drama queen."

"Well you know what they say, pets start to mimic their owners." Loki told you with a mischievous smirk. "I would imagine the same philosophy applies to dragons."

     You mockingly scoffed at that, pretending to be overly offended. "Are you implying that I am dramatic, Mischief?"

       "No, not at all ,Darling." Loki smirked. "I am simply stating fact."

       On that note you grabbed some plants off the counter top and threw them at Loki with a smile. "How dare you say that I'm the dramatic one." You laughed, all at the same time trying to look offended.

      "I thought it was obvious." Loki said, mischief glinting in his eyes. "When you enter a battle everyone must duck for cover, including your own team, to ensure their survival."

       Eclipse laughed at that.

       Rolling your eyes at the boys you took the bowl of crushed up plants and brought it over to Eclipse, holing it out in front of him. Eclipse sniffed it then opened his mouth and spit in the bowl. Pleased, you took the bowl back to the counter top and continued grinding the contents of the bowl, putting in a few more plants as you did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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