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"Tell the kid what you did Hammer's brain," Tony growled at Thor. "Tell the kid who is coming here to redeem themselves," Tony said the word redeem like it was a joke. Like whoever was coming here to redeem themselves could never possibly hope for redemption.

    Thor sighed, looking utterly defeated. "My brother is coming to the tower to help make amends for what he did to your people," Thor told you with hopelessness in his voice. The rest of the team had already made it clear to him that his brother was not welcome at the tower. Heck, his brother was not welcome on Earth. "After his crimes against Midgard and its inhabitants, the All-father sentenced Loki to the dungeons for the rest of his long life. If he was not a prince of Asgard his punishment would have been much more severe. Lately, however, new evidence has shown itself. It has been found that Loki didn't rage war against your people willingly. He was being mind controlled." Thor explained to you with the whole team listening in on his story. You were pretty sure this was the furthest Thor had gotten with his tale. You did not doubt in your mind that when Thor told the team Loki was coming to stay they all just started yelling at him. You on the other hand wanted to know the whole story behind this decision before you made your mind up about anything. So you stood there and listened to Thor's story quietly. "His mind control was a little different from Agent Barton's experience. It was much the same in that in both cases the person being mind controlled had an overwhelming desire to do what they were told to do. But unlike Barton's actions where all he wanted to do was please Loki at any cost, Loki's actions were full of rage. Overwhelming anger against the people of Midgard and me. So much so that that was the only thing he could think about. There is also some evidence Loki was being tortured by his captors."

"If all this happened to him then why didn't he say anything?" Clint asked.

"Loki is the god of lies." You spoke up, looking to Thor to make sure you got that bit of information right. He nodded so you continued. "No one would believe him. They would all just think he was trying to save his skin.

"Lady (y/n) is correct." Thor agreed with you. "Father would not believe anything Loki would have said to save his skin. So Loki decided to just take his punishment. I also believe Loki is afraid of whoever captured him in the first place. Which worries me greatly."

"Why?" Tony asked. "Why does Loki being afraid to worry you?"

"Me and Loki were raised much the same way." Thor explained, "Yes, we differ in many ways, but we were both trained to be warriors. Loki is extremely hard to frighten, he, like me, is a god after all. So when he is frightened it means what he is frightened of is worthy of it." Thor told the team gravely.

    "Loki probably also figured he was safer to be in the palace dungeons on Asgard,' Natasha pointed out, "If he is trying to hide from someone."

    "Then why can't we just let him stay locked up?" Tony asked Thor. "If he is trying to hide from someone wouldn't it be safer for him to just stay hidden in the palace dungeons?"

    "Loki does not deserve his punishment," Thor snapped at Tony. "And if his past does catch up to him I will be right by his side. I will protect him this time." Thor told the team with determination in his voice. Thor was Loki's older brother after all. That's when you realized how awful Thor must have felt learning about what happened to Loki. Thor was Loki's older brother, and all older siblings feel the need to protect their younger ones. You should know this firsthand, you had three younger siblings. You couldn't imagine the heartbreak Thor was feeling for Loki. How much he blamed himself for what happened to his younger brother. You would blame yourself if that happened to one of your siblings.

    "I know you will Thor." You told him placing a gentle hand on his arm. Thor looked into your eyes, any good older sibling would do anything for their younger ones, Thor knew you felt the same way. He gave you a small sad smile, thankful someone on the team knew how he felt.

    "All I ask is that you give my brother a chance to redeem himself," Thor asked the team with pleading eyes. "I know he has wronged you but please, just give him a chance."

    The team remained quiet, thinking over Thor's words. You could tell it would take time for the team to ever think about forgiving Loki for what he had done. Tony still had PTSD from having to fly through that wormhole. Clint hated being used with mind control. Natasha was still mad that Clint got mind controlled. Bruce and Cap just didn't like the guy who tried to take over the world. You nor Thor could fault them for their hesitation to let Loki come live in the tower.

    "I will give Loki a second chance." You told Thor.

    "Thank you, Lady (y/n).' Thor thanked.

    "He will be welcomed to stay here," Cap finally told Thor in his team leader voice, "we will all give him one last chance of redemption. But if he steps out of line, even once, he will be kicked off of Earth so fast he will never know what hit him. Do I make myself clear?" He asked Thor.

    Thor nodded sternly, keeping eye contact with Cap. "Thank you." He told the team with all his heart.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now