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The team was fighting the horde of Hydra agents side by side, trying to break through their line of defense so they could finally get inside. They had been out on the battle field all night long, and were now just barely getting to their last lines of defense. Whatever was in this base was extremely valuable to Hydra and they did not want it falling into the Avenger's hands.

    "Are these mortals usually so inclined to best your band of misfits, Thor?" Loki asked his brother as he easily took on five Hydra agents at once.

    "They are not normally so enthusiastic." Thor boomed happily, hitting one agent hard with his hammer, sending him flying back, crashing into the wall of the Hydra base with a defining crunching sound. "Consider yourself lucky, brother, that this is your first mission. Even you can't say that this mission has bored you."

    Loki sighed, and with a flick of his wrist sent the upcoming three agents flying off to one side. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Thor." Loki grumbled. "I previously had other plans arraigned for this weekend."

    "Don't be like that, Loki. You're here to make amends to the people of Midgard. Not follow lady (y/n) around like a love sick calf."

    "A love sick calf?" Loki growled with offense in his voice. "That's what you think of me?"

    "I have seen the way you look at her when you think no one else is looking." Thor insisted, ignoring his brothers menacing growl. "You have developed... what do the Midgardian's call it? A crash? No... A mush? No, that's not it either.

    "I believe the word your looking for, Thor, is crush." Natasha told him kindly, smirking over at Loki knowingly.

    "Yes! That is it. Thank you Lady Natasha." Thor thanked Nat while he bashed another guy's head in with his hammer.

      "I don't believe you were part of our conversation, Lady." Loki growled, glaring daggers at Nat and Thor, as to which they just both smiled innocently at him. "I have developed no... crush... on lady (y/n)."

        The look both Nat and Thor gave him was doubtful.

        "She is simply... fascinating." Loki supplied, trying to convince Nat and Thor of his lack of romantic interest in you.

        It wasn't working.

       "If I wanted to court lady (y/n) I would do so." Loki told them, not noticing how the team looked up at the dark sky upon hearing a very familiar whistling sound. "I am a prince after all." Loki continued. "I have faced many battles over the years. I am able to ask a woman out if I so wished."

       The whistling sound was getting a lot louder, and now it was accompanied by a very familiar charging sound.

       "Night Fury!" Nat yelled to the team.

        "Get down!" Cap added.

       The whole team hit the floor, not wanting to be in the crossfire's of a Night Fury's deadly plasma blast. Everyone, that is, expect for Loki.

"What, in the nine realms, are you...?"

Thor cut off his brother by jumping up and tackling him to the ground with a thud.

Loki was about to curse out Thor for being an absolute idiot, but just then what could only be described as a bright purple bomb struck the last of the remaining agents, killing most of them in an instant and sending the other flying.

Loki felt the air rush passed them, indicating that something big, fast and powerful just flew right over their heads. Fallowing the blast was a deafening roar that rung across the battle field announcing the presence of a certain teenager and her dragon.

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now