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     It was Friday night. You had been at the school dance for a little under an hour and you already wanted to go home.

        You were currently in the middle of a high school mosh pit, being jostled around and rammed into a big sweaty high schoolers. At the moment you were wedged between four giant dudes who were all jumping up and down with the rest of the crowd. You were so squashed in between them in fact at you were no longer jumping.


     The four boys were wedging you between them so severely that when the group jumped you would raise up off the floor with them at the same time. Even though you weren't actually using any of your muscles to jump.

You tried to get out of the pit, trying to squeeze your way through any open cracks, but there was no open cracks for you to squeeze through to get out.

'Why did I follow everyone into this mosh pit?' Your inner voice asked. 'I've lost my date, and my whole group. Now I can't get out. On top of all that everyone in here are super sweaty and smells like BO.'

A few more minutes of absolute misery passed before the music was shut off by the DJ and the vice principal's voice was heard over the speakers. "I will not be telling you kids this again." The vice principal practically growled into the microphone. "You are not allowed to form a mosh pit. Our last dance of last year had a mosh pit and it got way to intense. Two girls had to go to the hospital because they got trampled by the mosh pit and ended up breaking bones. If you guys mosh pit one more time the school dance will be ending early."

There were boos and hisses from the crowd. Some teenagers were yelling their disapproval of no longer being able to mosh pit, but the group broke up. Allowing you to quickly dart to the edge of the gym to get some personal space.

You watched as the music was turned back on and the high schoolers went back to regular dancing. Or as regular as dancing could be with a bunch of under age kids all in one room.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Someone yelled at you, though you could hardly hear them over the music. You turned to see MJ, Peter's girlfriend, a few feet away from you trying to get your attention. "How's your first high school dance treating you!?"

"It's not what I was expecting!" You yelled back, over the music. "Everyone's so..." you let your eyes wonder over the group of people dancing. Unfortunately your eyes decided to land on a couple grinding on each other like they were in some kind of bar and not a high school gymnasium.

'Gross.' You brain thought as your eyes darted away from the couple 'dancing.' 'That is now going to be burned into my brain forever.'

"Rowdy!?" MJ finished.

You nodded.

"Hopefully you weren't stuck in that mosh pit!"

"Oh no! I was!" You told her. "Now I feel gross and smell like body order!"

"The joys of high school!" MJ sighed.

Peter and Ned came up a few moments later. They asked how you were and complimented your dress. Though you knew your hair and makeup was a complete mess after being squashed in between a bunch of sweaty teens.

      You talked with them for a bit until your phone went off in your pocket. You picked it up to see that it was Nick Fury who was calling you. Which meant that whatever he was calling you about couldn't be good.

You quickly excused yourself before heading out the gym and answering the angry sky pirate.

"Glad you picked up." Was the first thing you heard when your put your phone to your ear. "Maybe all teenagers aren't exactly the same after all."

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat