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      "Are you sure this is safe?" Loki asked you from were he was standing next to Eclipse. You had saddled up Eclipse and was now trying to convince Loki to get onto your dragon behind you.

      "Traveling by dragon is much safer than traveling by car." You told Loki matter of factly.

      "And where, might I ask, did you get that statistic?" Loki asked you still not believing you. "Humans don't usually ride dragons."

      "It's me who your riding with." You told him, "And I'm not very good a driving cars. So when your with me dragons are a safer way to travel. I don't know how many accidents I've almost caused. Sometimes I wonder if I am a better flyer, or if there is just less things for me to hit in the sky."

      "This is not marking me feel better." Loki grumbled at you.

       You just laughed at him. "Why do you think the Avengers have band me from driving?" You asked him teasingly. "Especially Tony. He does not want me crashing any of his cars."

Loki hesitated, looking to Eclipse before looking over the side of the balcony. You could see him physically cringe away. "It's a long drop down." Loki informed you from where he was looking down at the ground.

"That's what makes it more fun." You told him.

Loki gulped. He was seriously stressing out about this whole flying thing. This was one of the first times he had actually shown his fear to you, so you decided to take it seriously.

"If it will make you feel better I promise to take it as easy as I possibly can." You told Loki your voice gentle and un-judging.

Loki looked back up at you with a slight look of fear in his eyes. "Promise?" Loki asked, not sure if he should believe you or not.

"I promise Loki." You told him.

"It's just, my brother has dropped me one to many times." Loki confessed after a big pause.

"I'm not your brother." You told him, still keeping your voice calm and happy.

     He sighed, agreeing with you on that point before reluctantly giving you his hand. You took it pulling him up behind you on the back of Eclipse. He held his hands out, not sure what to do with them, or what to grab onto to keep his balance. The saddle was quite flat, and Eclipse was covered in smooth, flat, scales.

      "You can grab onto me." You told Loki gently. He placed his hands on your shoulders, not daring to put them on your waist. He was a prince after all, and his mother taught him to respect women and their boundaries. Touching a woman's waist was a no go for him.

      You sighed, roiling your eyes. You hated when you gave people rides and they grabbed onto your shoulders. Yes, you knew it was out of respect for you. But when they grabbed your shoulders and not your waist it was much easier for them to pull you off balance. You just hoped Loki had good balance, or else both of you would be falling to the ground in no time. He was so much bigger than you were so it would be easy for him to pull you off balance extremely fast.

"You good?" You asked Loki, seeing if he was ready for take off. You weren't going to tell him about your pet peeve of people grabbing your shoulders, you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

"Just don't drop me." Loki grumbled at you. He really didn't like flying it seemed.

You agreed that you wouldn't before you turned your attention to Eclipse. "Keep this flight nice and steady bud." You told him under your breath so Loki wouldn't hear. Even if he did he would pretend not to listen to your conversation with your dragon. "This is Loki's first time trusting us. I would hate for us to mess it up."

Heart of a Dragon Rider (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now